Monday, October 26, 2009

Kids of the Black Hole

Like Melissa said, "If you don't like this album, you don't like punk."


  1. I already hate punk, but I'm still going to grab this...

  2. i was over 30 years old when i bought this record for the first time. I quickly realized, "i know and love every single one of these songs!"

    thanks for making it digital for me.

  3. this band/album may have changed my life

  4. Damn this record is great!!!! Not a single shitty song on it. Rik Agnew was a ripper,man he was in some killer bands.

  5. We're just a wrecking crew, bored kids with nothing to do! Absolutely classic.

  6. Rikk Agnew! The importance of this record goes way beyond just punk.

  7. "Ameoba" was apparently on the soundtrack for one of the Tony Hawk video games. I learned this while out with my much younger 22 year old brother. That song came on and he immediately recognized it as "The Tony Hawk theme song" and was convinced that the chorus went: "Tone-y Haaaaaaaaaaaaawk, Tone-y Haaaaaaaaaaaaawk..."
    I told him it was called "Ameoba" and it was an Adolescents song from the 80's.
    He thought I was fucking with him until I forwarded him the lyrics. It sucks because now I can't hear that song without singing "Tone-y Haaaaaaaaaaaaawk..."

  8. Excellent. My 8 year old knows all the lyrics to "Beach Blanket Bongout" and "Bloodstains" because of those games.

  9. That punk xover thing into video games is teh ghay..

    Think on it, this is music to huff glue or do too many pills to.

  10. I was not aware that I needed this. Thank ye.

  11. As someone above commented, this one has all ace tracks.

  12. i was about 10 or 12 when that song was in tony hawk...i totally thought it was "toooooonyy hawkkkkkk" too before i got into punk.

  13. I was about that age when this record came out.

  14. This record is so far beyond. When I was playing in High On Fire we played the Monster Garage block party and were fortunate enough to open for the Adolescents who utterly raged and did so with a scathing sense of humor. It was the best mohawk talking to I've ever seen. Kind of the way you described the "most violent blow job you've ever seen in the pit" at the Eagle. That good of a talking to. I don't think I can listen to Rip It Up without listening to it two more times.

  15. All the songs are memorable. Really angry... about something, but you're never quite what it is (the most representative line being 'I hate all you night creatures') Brilliantly representative of OC hardcore

  16. So great. Are bands this great anymore? Suggestions?

  17. My current favorite L.A. punk band:

  18. I didn't know what i was missing out on. I always overlooked this album 'cos of the cover art.

    Thanks again

  19. I only just bought this CD in 2009, I had not even heard it before - though of course I knew of the band for the longest time, just never looked them up.

    What made me go out and buy the CD?


  20. One of my first and faves records ever. Thanks you for this post Aesop.
