Friday, January 22, 2010

Terminator X

Time has shown that the coolest member of Public Enemy was by far Terminator X. He never scapegoated jews, debased himself with a disgusting reality show, and he never sued Notorious B.I.G. This isn't so much a proper solo album as it X attempting use his recognition and skills to launch the careers of some young rap hopefuls in 1991. Perhaps not the most successful venture. I mean Andreas 13, Celo, Dubmaster, and Chief Groovy Loo aren't exactly household names, but this is still the best PE offshoot record out there, mainly because Terminator X was so unique in his approach. This might have been better as an instrumental record. Still, it can rock bells.


  1. jesus seeing this cover brings on waves of unfathomable nostalgia. thanks chief!

  2. I've been looking for this album ever since I lost my cassette single of "Buck Whylin'" back in the day.

  3. Wikipedia: "Terminator X quit the hip-hop scene in 2003 and has been running an ostrich farm in South Carolina."

  4. Saw Terminator perform solo in a really small club in Chapel Hill, NC, back in 1997. I was bummed because he didn't do anything original, just kicked back and spun other people's records. Saw him kicking it with his crew outside, smoking blunts and such, but didn't have the balls to say hello. Awesome story, right?

    Speaking of Chief Groovy Loo:

  5. This is the kind of 90's nostalgia that I can get behind.

  6. YES!!! havent heard this one in years! downloading now!!!!!

  7. Some love for the DJ! Like Shelby, I don't have a really cool story to share about Terminator X, but I have had this disc stuck in the collection from back in the day. Into the car it goes for rotation through the CD player tomorrow.
    BTW- Why did you kill your response to the Israeli angst? It still is in your RSS feed (that how I discovered it.)
    Anyways, glad to see Ludicra is coming back to Columbus as part of the Scion deal. I enjoyed the shown when Ludicra played with Hammers and Deadsea. It was the catharsis I needed that week in my life.

  8. The post was taken down because it was settled and I don't want the site cluttered up with announcements. Yes, Scion will rule. We will be bringing the Valley of the Blastbeats.

  9. didn't you use some of this on that dre del tape?

  10. that Buck Whylin' has the intro from Rise Above looped in it pumps me up in a big way

  11. Aesop, I've been internetting all night and come up empty handed. Do you happen to have "Vagabonds Of The Midwestern World," the mostly lame punk comp that seems to be the only thing the Wesley Willis Fiasco ever released their cover of Lizzy's "Jailbreak" on? Probably not, but I've searched the furthest depths of nerd-dom for this and if there's a jailbreak tonight, I'm not gonna know exactly where in the town it is.

  12. uh, and where are my manners? Always love the blog and also recently my old Terminator X tape at the bottom of a pile of rat-eaten crusty pants. Smooches!

  13. I never heard of that comp, sorry.

  14. "Terminator X speaks with his hands". I love this. thank you

  15. I wore this cassette out when it was released. Terminator X DOES speak with his hands. Thx.

  16. I used to have this on cassette. Thanks for posting this.
