Sunday, June 20, 2010

Liberty or Death

Here is a fantastic lo-fi tape compilation of Japanese Hardcore bands that were previously unknown to me. The tape is called Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death (not very Japanese, eh?) and the bands are Baroudeur, Saru, Zverg, and Deformed-C. Baroudeur and Deformed-C sound exemplary of what we have come to expect from Japanese Hardcore with their wild soloing and gruff vocals. Saru and Zverg sound like they could have been from anywhere. I think I like Deformed-C best.


  1. Shit some good music here. Check out my last compilation I think you'll like it.


  2. Awww, Man Aesop you know how there is that tribe of really albino white guy out there that learns Japanese then goes to Japan to teach English to Japanese grade schoolers. Which in reality is only a cover because he really has a Japanese girl fetish and this is the best way for him to indulge. Well......... I'm starting to feel that way about Japo-Hardcore.
