Monday, August 2, 2010


Häiriköt Tulee, the first and only real release by Finnish punkers Äpärät was unleashed in 1985, and it remains one of the greatest Finnish punk records of all time. Like many of their contemporaries from the land of cell-phones and reindeer, Äpärät add rather depressive melodic quality to their punk/hardcore hybrid. You won't understand the lyrics about anarchy and the scourge of religion, but what does that matter, you already know that Reagan is a dick.


  1. This is awesome, but makes me sad that I'm hearing so long after it happened.

  2. More than 24 hours and still no comments? That's no good.

    I enjoyed this EP, Finnish hardcore is a subgenre I'd sorely neglected before finding your blog; I've enjoyed dipping into it with your recommendations.

    Like many, I'm a bad boy... I download a lot of shit that you post (pretty much all the black metal and punk, and often a lot of other stuff if the mood grabs me) but rarely comment. I tend to figure that if I have nothing constructive to add, it's better to refrain from spamming generic "thanx dude!!!" messages. But of the shit I grab, it's pretty fucking rare that I don't enjoy something. So, thanks for turning me on to a lot of great music that I would otherwise have missed.

  3. Link's functioning fine.

    WordVeri: dedart

  4. Thanks a lot for posting this! I bought this 7'' when it was released 1985. I sold most of my vinyl records years ago so I have not heard this one for ages...

  5. Took a listen to this and I agree with your note of the melodic quality in the music. I thought this was more rough & raw but the end result was pleasing even if not as fun as some of the more frantic, barely able to play their instruments FIN-HC punk. Thanks!
