Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sputum Lunae

Sputum Lunae were a short lived NSBM/dark ambient band from Quebec. The defunct Autistiartili Records released this very limited tape (100 copies) in 2001, titled Quo Usque Tamdem Abutere Patientia Nostra? It displays Sputum Lunae's more mellow side with three tracks of creepy, solemn organ. This one will most likely bore anyone looking for the harsh scraping black noise usually associated with the Quebecois haters, others may opt to dim the lights and enjoy this with some fine wine and misanthropy.


  1. This is really great, I've found so much great music through this blog! Thanks!

  2. The title is from the opening of Cicero's first Catilinarian oration and means 'At last, how much further will you abuse our patience?'

  3. Very good post, but there are two tracks missing:
    Track 4 - Mors Ultima Ratio
    Track 5 - Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori

  4. I continue to remain curious how you obtain all this rare material. Do/did you actually order tapes like these from labels, or do you go out to markets and shops to find second-hand music? Around here (Europe - Netherlands), I haven't come across such labels or shops yet (though I admit I haven't looked thoroughly).

  5. Most of the BM tapes came from when I ran a label and did a number of trades. Other stuff from friends, torrents, other readers...I also attend a lot of record swaps.

  6. This is the first time I have found your blog, and I am throughly impressed with all the rarities you have in here. Check out my blog as well for some really great albums. I look forward to checking out some more good stuff on this blog.

  7. Caleb, provide a link. Can't access your profile.

  8. Stumbled upon this blog by accident and WOW! Thank you for posting some amazing stuff.

  9. really cool tape. wish it was longer! as always, thanks for the share.

  10. Oooooo this is nice nice. You really have to love Canada and Quebec these days man.

    P.S. AESOP you need to join my forums, if not to discuss pointless crap like we do over there at least join so you can get a free copy of the Funeral Stench Zine.....well you'd get one anyway but you shoud still join.

  11. do you have those last two tracks?

    also...what (in your mind) qualifies this as black metal? i like it...a lot, but it still sounds more like a bastard love something of dark ambient and kraut-style space rock. then again, whatever.

  12. Swill, I wasn't aware of the last two tracks until I psted. I was under the assumption that this was the entire demo as I got it from the label itself. Their other demo was Black Metal and they existed in that scene.
