Wednesday, October 27, 2010

At Dusk vs. Idolater

Two obscure bands from Santa Cruz do battle on this self-released split CDR. At Dusk strike the first blow with their distant, ghostly black metal that holds plenty of mesmerizing guitar work and cold atmosphere. But not ones to go down without a fight, Idolater counter with some frantic and chaotic black metal that reminds me a bit of Dark Tribe. While Idolater is great, the obvious drum machine and dry production weaken their attack slightly. At Dusk definitely takes this one. On a side note: this was mailed to me, when I opened the package my whole apartment smelled like soap and incense. It would seem that these two bands are out to assault my sense of smell as well. Awesome.


  1. Looks a lot like a sketch of the guy from Arckanum on the At Dusk side of the split.

  2. is that the Arckanum guy on the drawing

  3. Is that a portrait of Shamaatae on the cover?

  4. Yes, that is an intaglio etching of Shamaatae at his forest-wizarding best.

  5. Definitely has to be, same fucking pose and weapon

  6. is that a blood smear on the at dusk side? excellent

  7. Looking forward to both bands. Although I'm missing out on the incense. Thanks for these.

  8. More great metal coming from the Hearse... And yes this drawing definitely looks like the Arckanum guy

  9. haha yeah it's a blood stain. According to MA the first 50 copies were 'imbued with the blood of Korihor'
    Thanks for uploading all this stuff Aesop, it's brilliant

  10. man, I can;t believe you didn't mention anything anything about Idolators brilliant new genre "Anti-marriage blackmetal"

    “I seek the destruction of marriage. I seek the glorious gifts of hedonism and sexual immorality.”

  11. Veeery nice. I prefer At Dusk's attack as well, even though the two can't really be compared.

  12. i bet they image searched on google for black metal related photos and wound up with shamaate from arckanum. their sound is fucking sick though.

  13. thank you aesop for sharing our work. the cover for the at dusk side is an intaglio etching made by an artist with whom i was once romantically involved. it is indeed the arcane visage of shamaatae. i was unaware that she had plagiarized his image and should have done my research. in the end i don't mind because i fucking love arckanum and much of what his music and views represent.

    expect a future cassette pressing and Ukrainian release with alternate, original artwork in the coming year as well as new material.

    unblessed be

  14. Website:
