Thursday, October 28, 2010


By far one of the coolest things to grace my mailbox in the past year was Disemballerina's demo CDR. I don't know if they are still a band or not (I seem to remember some mention of a split) but they have a MySpace page and a Facebook as well if you would like to contact them and tell them how much you love their beautifully dynamic instrumentals performed with cello, viola, harp, and acoustic guitars, at times introspective and at others, violent and reckless. I am reminded a bit of Dirty Three, Rachel's, Amber Asylum, and Godspeed You Black Emperor, but Disemballerina doesn't sound much like any of those really. Stunning bit of work from some talented and maudlin Portlanders. Five songs, forty minutes, and every bit of it stirring. The closer, "Hex" is an absolute heartbreaker. Someone get wise and release this. Just crushing.


  1. Hooray, Myles (of Destruction) is still at it! Thanks for this.

  2. I'm listening to this now. It'd be a damn shame if these cats did split, I'm digging it pretty intensely. Thanks for the great stuff, yet again. You're a cool cat, you know.

  3. Very good. Reminds me of Ulver's Kveldssanger, but more complex.

  4. i've been a non-commenting fuckwit for too long, appologies. this alum is just what i needed to hear today. thank you.

  5. I'm going to listen to this all night.It sets the perfect fucking mood.

  6. cool, i'm gonna light some candles and smoke some opium.

  7. 'dis is brilliant, love it.

  8. Thanks for this, good stuff. Is there anything that involves cello and does NOT sound good though?

  9. i too have been a non commenting fuckwit for too long, thanks so much for this Aesop, amazing piece of work, the second track is the best example ive ever heard of how to play heavy riffs on acoustic guitars. Hail the Hearse!

  10. Thanks for this. I live in Portland and never got to see them and I do think they split up.

  11. they totally didn't break up! Melissa the cello player ran off to the desert to learn how to make violins, but Myles and Ayla are still writing songs, seeking a new cello player and totally slaying. SEE THEM LIVE if you ever get the chance. They are beautiful birds.

  12. this might be my favorite post on the hearse.

  13. AWESOME. One of the best Oct/Nov vortex albums I've heard.

  14. jeeeeez. thanks y'all... i am -as im sure the rest of the band are- totally flattered. totally sweet. and thanks aesop.

    totally sweet review. take care y'all.


  15. Best stuff that I've listened to recently.

  16. Totally, this one is creeping into my favorite of the year last minute. Hex and Drown kill!

  17. i'm still fucking honored to have been featured on this blog!! thanks again, aesop. the feedback from everyone has been totally unexpected and beyond flattering for all of us. i mailed off the last copy of our demos today. fyi, we currently have a new cellist and an entire set's worth of unrecorded material. hopefully a return show will happen around early fall of this year? in the meantime, me and ayla are also continuing to play shows with our other band Negative Queen . we'll have a release on Linear B tapes in the next month or so. ok, enough from me.

  18. Thank you Myles for making and sharing great art. And thanks for the update. Must hear Negative Queen.

  19. p.s. i had made a new link a while back for another blog.
    here tis.
