Friday, October 22, 2010

True Tales of Horror

You don't hear much about Mexico's punk scene, so you probably remain wholly unaware of Sedicion from Guadalajara, or their 1991 album, Verdaderas Hoistorias de Horror. Sedicion favored a more mid-tempo, 77 style or Oi flavored punk rock. Lyrics in Spanish, creepy Halloween record intros to all the songs, and a crappy production make this record a charmer. Spin it at your Halloween party and thank me later.


  1. remember desobedencia civil? anarchopunks from mexico city? they played at the record store a couplw times and also did some generator based protests. i still have the recording somewhere...

  2. i'll dl that for the cover alone.

  3. Aesop! Rad! Sedicion were just one of a handful of bands playing raw punk in the late 80's/early 90's Mexico scene. Atoxxxico, Clamor Inexorable, KKCore and Xenophobia all shred, please post more!

  4. This is awesome!
    Thank you for this.
    It's wonderfully abrasive.

    - Daniel X

  5. Never thought I'd find something from my home town here. A certain friend will probably love this, thanks!
