Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here's some mysterious French black metal from Voqkrre, a name seemingly inspired by Les Legions Noire. The sound throughout this demo, titled Malveillance, is murky and depressive. Serious wrist-cutting sonics and bleak, cobwebbed cantos to all that is negative and dark. Malveillance is a gauzy, vague nightmare. Voqkrre is a two-man concern, the members being named Morne and Dunkel. Morne also operates in the more traditional black metal band Anwynn, while Dunkel fills out his busy nights playing in Drakonhail.


  1. French are cheese eating surrender monkeys? Shiiit...they are not afraid to take class war to the streets which will never happen in das homeland. Also not afraid to carry the torch of black metal.

  2. Jesus Anti-Christ I love this shit so much. I couldn't think of anything better to listen to after finding out that Ari Up passed away... thanks for this

  3. Unholy fuck!!!

    Thank you so much for this.

  4. Obscure black metal demos=instant cred.

  5. I bought Subliminal Genocide by Xasthur a number of days ago and this is continuing that morbid groove and carrying it out. I swore after seeing Merrimack with Marduk last winter that I would learn more about French metal: here we go, just in time for the Maine winter.

  6. Why do the French rule so much at this? Best thing since the Cendres demo. Thanks for posting Aesop!

  7. Was out of town for a while and consequently, away from the Hearse. This is a great one to return to, thanks!

  8. awesome. love this type o shit

  9. Aesop, I sent you some mail regarding an interview for a brazilian e-zine, don't know if you actually received it, but, since i'm already trying to reach you here, you'd mind answering a few questions regarding drumming, music and your projects?

    If so, please lemme know through

    Yeah, and about the post, reminded me of old LLN stuff like BRENORITVREZORKRE. Awesome name for a band anyway.

  10. know of any more gems similar to this??! post them please!!!
