Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Blog Doesn't Love You, It Has Just Been Using You To Get Back At Its Boyfriend

No big fancy speech, just a note to let you know the blog will be on hiatus while I am on tour with various projects (Agalloch, Worm Ouroboros, and Ludicra) throughout the months of March and April. Do not fret, Cosmic Hearse will resume activities in May.


  1. May? MAY?
    I don't know how to handle this. I am freaking out.
    Have fun doing the whole tour thing. Try not to join any more bands while you're away. You are out of control, man.

  2. take care...we'll be waiting here

  3. Have some great shows!

    Nice touch with Masamura's "Manji," too.

  4. I've been having many frosty walks up here in Canada listening to The Tenant. Words can't describe how much I love Ludicra. Have some great shows and meet lots of cool people!

  5. Aw, just as I am getting to know your blog.

    Good luck on tour!

  6. You bastard. I know you didn't care about me. I miss the hell out of you when you are gone, yet gleefully anticipate your return and am always wishing you success in your journeys. Have fun, be safe!

  7. Agalloch @ Scion Rock Fest next week =)

    enjoy your touring

  8. Hey have fun! And today was the first day I decided to not be a fuckwit and say "Hey, thanks for the good work and the entertaining commentaries and all that biz."
    Anyways, have most excellent touring and stay safe out there!

  9. I feel so ambivalent about this

  10. Come to Canada, I want to see all three bands.
    Thanks for all the great shares, Aesop, and the drumming.

  11. Many thanks, will be counting down the days until you resume blogging. Any chance of Ludicra playing a victorious homecoming show after the European tour? Unless I missed something, you guys haven't played the Bay Area since the Cafe du Nord show last May (which, consequently, was one of my favorite shows ever). Pretty please?!

  12. Ahhh what the fuck man!? I have to go find a life now just because you have one...? Hey maybe you'll stop by Portland no? Maybe I can finally get out and see ya play some huh? Thank you for all your efforts though, really. Anyone ever asks me about blogs I say "Aesop! Cosmic Hearse! Check it out!"

  13. Any chance of an east coast Ludicra show?? Just pick a spot in the tri-state area.

    Pretty please?

  14. Agalloch, woohooo!!!

  15. I'm coming to see you play with Ludicra in Le humble Belgique, but seriously, you should hit Europe with Agalloch, man. Like, yeah, you know, man.

  16. Good Luck Mang mang! thnx for all the awesome tunes!!!

  17. Your bands are shit. Get back to work

  18. come to tampa please!

  19. If yr. on tour w/ Agalloch, I'll see ya when you come through Cleveland.

  20. your blog rules
    thanks for posting
    safe travels
    roK out with your coK out

  21. looking forward to the raleigh, nc show! hope i get to thank you in person for all the fantastic music you've turned me on to. safe travels

  22. Good luck, and may all of your venues sell out to max capacity!!!

  23. Counting the days until I see Agalloch, good luck Aesop!

  24. well this puts a damper on the morning

  25. please bring marrow of the spirit vinyl to Austin!

  26. May's fine with me, I'll probably have finished reading through your amazing blog by then, haha. Figured I might as well stop being a fuckwit after having downloaded dozens of album courtesy of you...

    Now that that's done with, would you be so kind to re-up that Spirex tape once you return? Many thanks.

  27. I've been searching for some real humans who give a fuck about what's really right & aren't feared by bullshit. Punks? The real Punks are the ones who give a fuck about what's right now & they're feared by love & hate. I just found the cosmic hearse & you're retroactively gone. Wtf...guess that's why they call it the cosmic hearse.

  28. This long break from The Hearse was well worth last night's NYC show... God damn amazing. This city is in your debt.

  29. have a nice time during the tour! I'll probably be lucky to see you in action at the Italian date for Ludicra on the 9th of April in my town, Milano.

  30. Had my mind blown twice the other night! Worm Ouroboros and Agalloch both astounded unsuspecting montreal headbangers, for the first time ever! Really great show man, drumming for both bands was just as if not even more flooring than Ludicra's set last year. Keep up the amazing work online and on the kit. You slay.

  31. They guy that asked you whether the necks of the guitars are steel last night in Cleveland, I was standing to the left(your right) of him. I wanted to let you or anybody from Agalloch know that you provided me with the most beautiful experience of my life; thank you. I was crying the entire fucking time.

    Now, get back to your addiction of posting entertainingly obscure shitty music alongside some of the most masterful of works, as well as some other stuff. I demand you don't take any more breaks. Not to love your son(or anybody, not even yourself). Not to focus on live shows. Not to practice drumming. Not even to eat or sleep. You must go crazy with posts until you whither, die, and turn to stone. :)

  32. great show in london, ontario with agalloch, thanks for making the journey out here..!

  33. Wow, funny coincidence... I didn't know who you were, a friend told me to check out your blog, so I am doing just that, and just happen to be listening to Worm Ouroboros! I played my violin with Vivimancer opening for you folks in Eugene at The Gup back in October, powerful music, and an amazing night. Good luck with your various tours! Christine

  34. I have been riding the hearse now for a few months and recently my computer crashed and I lost all of the wonderful music I downloaded here. I guess it is karma because I have been a non-commenting fuckwit for so long!! That will change as I read this blog everyday and have found many of my new favorite bands here; such as Ahulabrum, Warning, and Mass Suicide!

  35. Man - fuckin savage show at Roadburn! Pure animal! Totally band of the weekend. For loads of people.

  36. Alright Aesop, rocking the continents aside, you best deliver a 420 make up post-got stuck greening out to Dopesmoker for the billionth time...

  37. take a good care of yourself, keep updating... kindly visit back my blog and click ads for support.
