Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Back in the USA

Let's keep this brief and get back to the mission. Tours went great, big ups to all the amazing people I met along the way. Come home, and Osama Bin Laden is dead, can't help but think if it would've happened a few days sooner I could have avoided that finger in my ass in the Berlin airport, but such is life, timing is everything. I urge you to check out (and follow) Ludicra blower bassist, Ross Sewage's amazing blog for tour diaries and general tour tip genius and gear nerdiness. The regular Hearse posts will resume soon, as will the sense of self-righteous entitlement that goes with them. Sorry if I seem cranky, still a bit jet lagged and butt sore.


  1. Glad you're back. I've spent this interim to get caught up on all of the great posts in the extensive Hearse backlog and was introduced to some great music. Thanks, Aesop. Can't wait for more!

  2. Ouch...
    Good to see you back though. Look forward to future posts

  3. Welcome back. You were missed!

  4. Glad the tours went well! Looking forward to new Hearse music and writings. And sorry about your ass.

  5. ross sewage is fucking awesome, thanks for the reference. welcome home by the way, have a domestic beer and enjoy the terrible gas prices. RED WHITE AND BLUE ALL NEWS CYCLE BABY WOOOOOOO

  6. Rx. Nhut, Rooster P.May 2, 2011 at 5:58 PM

    ^ha, sorry about laughing but the finger in the butt was funny and reminded me of my first trip to the urologist. Rx.

  7. After the show at Hemlock last night my wife said she saw you; had I seen you I'd have welcomed you home in person, as such: Welcome Home! Looking forward to what's in store for the Hearse. Glad Ludicra finally made it to Europe, sounds a grand adventure (Ross' posts are a blast).

  8. good to have you back Aesop! I missed you lots. Hope your rectum will heal quick!

  9. bring it, fool! glad you're back safe.

  10. Welcome back, dude! I am so stoked for new posts!!

  11. Most excellent, caught the show in Georgia,ya'll slayed away killer show right up there with Iron Maiden 1983 Alpine Valley.

  12. Saw you in New York with Agalloch, loved Worm Ouroboros and picked up the cd from your guitarist/singer before I left! Glad to have the Hearse back in action!

  13. Thanks for coming back, Aesop. I missed the Hearse. Please never leave again.

  14. Just posted Obituary-Slowly We Rot in lossless, get it here:

  15. Welcome back, Aesop. I'll need your blog to survive the shock of losing the Canada I loved to a bunch of oil-hicks. I'm looking forward to more psych gems and one-man black metal records.

    -Alex from Montreal.

  16. the agalloch show in new york was the best show i ever saw. thank you so much.

  17. Aesop you cant leave us like this, the internet is a barren wasteland without your wisdom and wit.

  18. Welcome back, Aesop!
    It was great to see you Ludicra guys/gals playing live both in my town, Milano, and at Roadburn.
    \m/ \m/ \m/

  19. Welcome back!

  20. I'm frequently flying via berlin airport. nobody tried to get his finger inside me to this day. What's going on there?! Just curious...
