Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I have to thank my old Florida homie Justin Cudney for getting this hen's tooth off my wishlist and up in my earholes. So FWA maybe weren't the best hardcore band to come out of the flaccid dick-shaped state that I spent my first 18 years in, but they were an integral part of the scene playing many hectic shows and opening for whatever punk legends were ballsy enough to take the extra travel day down to Miami, only to have their tires slashed, and their merch guy pummeled by subtarded, sun-drenched skinheads. FWA managed to crank out this one EP in the midst of all the heat and chaos. The cover shows a typically South Florida landscape of big ominous skies and rows of buzzing power lines. It may not mean much to you, but to my eyes it is all the loneliness and ennui of my adolescence in one single image. So let's talk about the tunes, shall we? FWA were amateurish, that is for sure, but in that simplistic, rickety untalent was a charm that may even remind you of your own teen angst. Hardcore with little outside influence, no experimentation, no metal, no emo. Mohawks and skateboards, flannels and boots. Thank you so much, Justin and FWA wherever you may be.


  1. My friends and I started referring to Converge as FWA! because of Jake Bannon's usual onomatopoeia of choice. I had no idea there was a band actually called that.

  2. I don't even remember this band I been down here in this area all most all my life one thing is for sure is some of this stuff from down here is worth a listen,better than most of the metal bands that came out of here.

  3. Sounds like the exact kind of thing I need to hear right now. Cheers to you, Aesop!

  4. Sounds like the exact thing that I need to hear right now! Cheers to you, Aesop!

  5. Yeah nothing has changed, it's still a shithole in South Florida, just more developed now. Thanks for the post though, I actually like knowing there was a decent scene here at one time.

  6. I liked it! What year is it from?

  7. Jesse Alvare is having heart surgery today. Hang in there buddy!
