Thursday, December 18, 2008


Another overlooked classic of Swedish steel here. Torch's first full length (they released an EP prior to this) is off the fucking hook NWOBHM-inspired goodness. Why there were so many great Heavy Metal bands coming out of Sweden between '82 and '85 is a mystery, but if you've been following the Hearse and got all fucking vimmelkantig over The Glory Bells, Faith, Gotham City, and Overdrive, then definitely check out Torch.


  1. The cover is terrible in the best possible way!

  2. i own all this shit on OG vinyl....

    damn i'm old...

  3. Got these when they came out back in the days... By the way, the EP was released on the Belgian Mausoleum label, home to many a (Belgian) classic metal band in those days. Indeed Devil Dick, we're getting old... ;)

  4. This band seemed too good for Mausoleum.

  5. I love this stuff. It flies in the face of the traditional viewpoint that Sweden produced little metal of worth throughout the early 80s save for Candlemass and Bathory. A shame so little of it gained much attention but as long as I can hear it now I'm a happy man.

  6. come on, where's the Torche?

    -Danny B.

  7. Torche. That's beard guy rock for fixed gear ass candles. Try lucid media.

  8. Damn, so much hate on the Fixies. Must be a SF thing. I've got a single speed roadie, not fixed. Why hate on riding a bike, though? I didn't have my license for 6 yrs., and I probably saved thou$ands. I can understand hating the bike crews that think they are motorcycle crews, that's just retarded. Is it the culture you hate? Jut wondering, because I love riding my bicycle. At least their not rollerbladers.

  9. I ride a bicycle too. It's the throngs of boring samey same hipster cowards in their uniforms, the fixie is part of the uniform, an accesory like a purse. Also, SF is a city full of hills, having a fixed gear track bike isn't practical. It's just fashion. Tight girls jeans, flannel shirt, shemagh, track bike, small crypto in back pocket of girl jeans, white ray bans, cocaine...Yuck.

  10. heh, get a fucking skateboard for the SF hills instead!

  11. As a swede i'm amazed and a bit ashamed of how much good stuff that i've never heard of coming from my viking-country. I wonder how many great records i've passed on at fleamarkets and record-fairs that wher as good as this and The glory Bells. Thanks for the lesson...

    The fixed gears are coming to sweden to, damn shame.

  12. I had to look up 'shamagh' and 'crypto'. I still couldn't find what you meant by crypto. Cryptosporidium is found in infected poo? Anyway, cocaine and white shades are definitely gross, alone or together. I only own one flannel, I've had it for years. So, I think I fall outside of that hippety hipster thing. Thanks for clearing up the hate.

  13. Krypto, sorry, short for kryptonite lock. Crypto is found in poo.

  14. Alan Dubin used to have the blue woman on the cover painted on the back of his leather jacket.

  15. Hey!

    I just saw on that they are releasing a new Cd!!
    I've pre-booked a signed ex :)

    // Patrik

  16. The blue guy on the cover is related to the woman on the Drones LP.
