Here's some bargain basement meth-lab Death Metal from Merced, California's Infestation. The band circulated this demo to score gigs. While it's nothing ground-breaking or terribly original, it is not without its charms. Not to mention that these dudes were really cool guys despite being from Merced, which is full of tiny-teethed tweaker scumbags who would rape your sister for a lottery ticket. Why do I hate Merced? Fuck, have you ever been there? Desperate, dusty and full of dicks. The kind of place you end up only because your car or your life decided to break down.
Excellent demo!
Horrible town.
Crappy skatepark.
Mmmmm!Meth,I could go for some of that right now.....
Man that last sentence totally made me download this. Awesome.
"Desperate, dusty and full of dicks."
That sounds just like my country! :D Well it's not that dusty... there's lots of rocks though!
The cover looks totally old school. Thanks for this!
And keep in mind, Merced is one of the better towns on the 99 corridor. Stockton, Modesto, Tulare, Delano, Bakersfield. I'll leave Fresno out, since I grew up near there and went to college there, but yeah, it sucks, too. Just a highway of unmitigated horror.
3 friends and I ran away from home when I was 16. We were gonna live in the woods and "build" a cabin n shit.We were headed to devils postpile national monument area. Why? Sounded cool I guess. Long story short, we ended up in Merced County juvie hall after trying to fake the sale paperwork for the truck we had 'liberated' from our traveling companion's foster dad. This was after almost starting a wildfire in a campground outside madera (there was a drought in '87) and after one of our companions suffered a serious head injury from a rock fight. ADD to this a serious case of mudbutt from drinking contaminated water and eating military rations for a week. Ah, Merced.
Spent 4 days in Merced because the fan built in my Honda blew out. They don't "carry many parts for Nip cars" and as a result was forced to hide out in a cheap motel. Those were the darkest 4 days of my life.
hahaha the whole central valley fucking sucks. I live in fresno, not much better
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