Monday, July 27, 2009

Wrath of the Emperor

This bit of Norwegain cult art is widely known and you probably already have it, but I am posting it anyways. It has Emperor's first EP from '93 and their extremely raw demo, titled Wrath of the Tyrant, from '92. Despite the polished,over-produced crap that Emperor churned out towards their end at one time they were the best and most important Norwegian Black Metal band, and it is important to remember that. Emperor before the wrap around shades and badly photoshopped album covers, just pure, unhinged, ice-cold teenage Satanism.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe a so pure music teenage fan club need so bad radio players to promote their stuff
This is politic acting like street gang, but I never listen the radio (self) promoters
This is "just" a new mp3 music idea
In fact, radio(s) have to pay if this is the marketing nekrofil case

ido said...

I haven't been very impressed with the little EMPEROR that I've heard, mostly for the reasons that you've mentioned (way overproduced, little visceral impact). Raw-as-an-open-wound is the kind of sound I like for most music. However, I trust your judgement when it comes to black metal, so will definitely check this one out. Thank you very much.

illformation said...

That's an awseome cover. There's not nearly enough art-nouveau/black metal crossover out there.

Anonymous said...

I love this release. more in the realm of total '80s retard black metal than anything Norway churned out since. In fact, I think that some of the best Norwegian BM was produced before there was a distinct "Norwegian" sound, stuff like this, and the cross between south american deathrash and classic Bathory that was Immortal's first album.

FAKE DADA said...

i love me some ice-cold teenage satanism.

Anonymous said...

This is so strange music for me to listen something with guys drinking bear with Noël dress

Anonymous said...

dude i completely agree about the "best and most important" thing. early emperor and enslaved were black metal heroes because they managed to conjure the romantic sublime without sacrificing any of the punk savagery (in fact, the raw buzz and hum is a really important part of the overwhelming power and mystery). i love this album, and i like Hordanes Land even better.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree, this album is amazing. Have you ever heard this rehearsal version of "Moon Over Kara-Shehr" from the Tribute to Euronymous compilation with Hellhammer on drums and Sverd from Arcutus on keyboards? Classic!

dustinswanson said...

this record rules. they did get a little nintendo and album down the line, but that doesn't change this feat. at the time Emperor deserved the crown.

wow, the comments are getting wacky as shit? who are these people?

ido said...

Wow, this demo and EP have totally blown away my original conceptions of what this band was capable of. Very very dark, very very distant, very very vicious. Will be spending a lot of time with this one digging through the layers of death. Thank you again for this.


love this. one of my favs!!!!!

SKV said...

"An Elegy of Icaros" is a mind blowing track. Period.

GSV JR said...

The second anon comment is rendered in a broken literary style I constantly fail to achieve. Incredible!

Anonymous said...

The vocals on the demo are great. They build from a slightly muted beginning into total hysteria.

Shannon said...

Do you think that the cover art is a portrait of Lilith?Or is it a dude?Snake hair!

Shannon? said...

Hellhammer?Trbute to Euronymus?Hmmm?

Dag said...

Cool! Thanks

The Glacial Scablander said...

I have this disc. It is one of my favorites. The rawness captured on tape is timeless. I can and will not deny that this period of Emperor influences my band Skinwalker. Fast up down picking and high rasp vocals from Isahn. The formation of the fastest of polka beats from Bard. Double bass drums from Samoth in the early stuff. I'm going to put it on right now.