Wednesday, January 13, 2010

R.I.P. Jay Reatard

Jay Reatard (Jimmy Lee Lindsey) was found dead this morning in his Memphis apartment. Sad. I had the chance to meet him once and he was kind and funny. To Valhalla, Jay.


Anonymous said...

Jesus fuck man what the hell?
I was just listening to Reatards stuff today.
Cheers Jay - Onward you go

prunalogsusan said...

:( ...2010 already sucks. now i hear this? huge bummer for durn sure. R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

No way

the wizard said...

saw lost sounds once: they were awful.
got dragged to see jay solo years after that: one of the best shows i have ever seen. EVER.
Blood Visions is as close to a perfect record as anyone should be allowed to make.

Daniel said...

Live Fast,Die Young. RIP.

TMM said...

Holy shit.......just discovered Lost Sounds a few months ago. Fucking fell in love instantly.....damn....this one is definitely a shock...........

TMM said...

Aesop, in case this slipped by you, here is a one song black Metal band Jay was in with the dudes from Evil Army. I figured you'd be interested...

Winter Coffin:::::::::::

Unknown said...

WOW! I am saddened and

ass computer bacon claps said...

I have been jamming The Stupids alot lately. I'll have to check out some of Jay's stuff.

sss said...

So what's up with his, uh, retarded name?

e normous said...

much into this lo-fi/garage stuff, Aesop?

Aesop said...

I'm generally into lo-fi anything, and I have to agree with The Wizard "Blood Visions" is a great record.

Anonymous said...

Blood Visions is great, but pales in comparison to Teenage Hate, which he made when he was 15.
Reatards were one of the best live shows i ever saw.

Mike Desert said...

I saw the Reatards when they played at the CW Saloon being a fan of the 7" they had out at the time. They were noisy and pretty damn good.
It was a stinky's peepshow night, and the back room had the drummer of Phoenix Thunderstone (the one before Vadge Moore) taking wine enemas and shitting them out into a bowl. Jay was watching the show and talking to Beth Loudmouth when he drunkenly bolted up to the stage, grabbed the bowl of shit-wine and started guzzling it. Still the grossest thing I've ever seen. His poppy solo stuff was just starting to grow on me too...

Unknown said...

I wasn't sure how you'd feel about Jay, Aesop. I'm really happy to see your tribute. For me, Jay was one of the greats (not unlike Kurt Cobain and Matty Luv). I had a ton of his shit with his many bands, and solo. His live shows got better & better every time. Fucking depressing, man.