Westchester, New York dude bros, Toxik, probably could have been big but they were a bit late to the party. Their debut of techy thrash wankery, World Circus, was unleashed in 1987 when the world's interest in poofy haired shredders in stretch jeans and puffy white tennies was giving way to an interest in Seattle heroin addicts in flannels shirts. Toxik were reminiscent of Anthrax without the goofy Steven King and Ninja Turtle references, they had more pressing concerns, the arms race, organized religion, social issues...Anyhoo, like every second string thrash band from the '80s, Toxik have come out of retirement to play these songs for kids in denim vests who were moshing it up in their daddy's flesh bags when this first came out.
fun band; i have a cd-rip with bonus tracks if anyone wants
Aesop, I'm currently pissed off with a small majority of the world and people who should burn along with it - what album would you recommend?
"Think This" is amazing as well. Your last comment was priceless.
Technothrash wasn't done in 1987, it was beginning! It was done at 1990, but I will concede that that doesn't change anything about how bands like Toxik, Realm, Betrayal, Wolf Spider, Valkyria... weren't exactly popular at any point in their careers, flannel aside.
I do love this sort of music but I think Toxic besides some choice cuts aren't interesting enough to listen to :/ That's a high as shit singer though!
Emma Gah! I think I had that in like 1988-9, the cover looks sooo framiliar, Ima DWNLD it and see if it also SNDS Framiliar, (yes i know it's not spelled that way)
Love Repka's cover on this one. I don't spin this album as often as I should; the vocals are definitely an acquired taste.
First time I listened to this, I was midway through "Heart Attack", and had to go off to hospital because someone had had... well not a heart attack but some heart thing. I dunno if I ever finished listening to it.
i had a roomate who loved the shit out of this album, but then again that roomate had poofy hair, stretchy girl pants and white leather high tops.
i wonder what this will sound like after 22 years -
weather the music is good or bad this is really great to have a blast from the past sitting here on the interwebs and just by artwork alone have many fond memories
thanks for that
Says that track 10 is corrupt.
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