These tough New Wave of Brit lasses weren't content to push prams or be mere spadgers in some cold, grey slough. These birds were leather-clad femme fatales on a collision course with the Lad-dominated world of 'eavy, and Hit and Run was the pinnacle of their recorded output. Evokes images of fast cars, hot city nights, and leather-pantsed yeast infections. Critical shit.
Nice description as always of music I didn't think I would like but you got me to give it a try. I've got a long trip coming up and the girls are coming with. Thanks!
Certainly can't argue with this, but I can (and just was) thinking about several other basically flawless Girlschool albums. I just got four from the dollar bin, but this weren't one of 'em. Also just got "white Line Fever" by Lemmy and "Chelsea Horror Hotel" by Dee Dee Ramone back this week. Maybe I should sit down.
Yes, they were indeed the female version of Motörhead in more ways than one.
Spadgers? Nooooooooooo!
Leatherclad yeast infection... very sexy.
"And Don't Drink Too Much!"...."YEAH RIGHT!"
Great post! Girlchool rocks!
NICE POST! Girlschool were ahead of their time and when they played S.F. for the first time in '82 it was out of control. It was a sad say when Kelly Johnson passed away..
I know it need not be stated here, but: fuck the Donna's!
Thanks Aesop,
Great album. It's a shame that too often they're only discussed as a Motorhead footnote.
The only Girlschool I had was the Motorhead/GS collaboration...anyways this is killer. Drinkin' some coffee,goin' skatin',than Anvil tonight....the day's off to a good start. Thanks.
Sweet Girlschool rules. Only have this on vinyl so thanks for the DL!
Thanks for this. I have this album but by way of dumb luck karma, it is mis-pressed. The same songs (side one - hit & run, watch your step...) are on both sides.
wow. thank you for this. many years ago (late 80's) i had the great pleasure of being in a band with kelly johnson (post girlschool). she was a truly lovely person, a great songwriter, and could party anyone under the table...not to mention a kick ass guitar player. as time passed we lost touch, though i thought of her often. i was sad to hear of her passing. but the music, of course, lives on (as evidenced here) along with many memories...you are missed, my friend.
Leather-pantsed yeast infection. Wow, that put some weird ideas in my head
"Devil's Gun" by GUN is so killer.
Love these gals.
any fans should check out Rock Goddess as well
L7, Girlschool and 13, queens of the girl rockers. I miss you Wendy O. Williams.
never heard of these girls, could use some more feminine presence in collection. title of blog betrays good taste of blogger.
Always loved this album cover....
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