Monday, August 30, 2010

Cemetery Earth

Cemetery Earth were a young Pennsylvanian Death Metal band that had Jack Gannon of Hearse favorites Deteriorate lending his nauseating voice. The band only eked out one disgusting demo in 1992 called Here Rest Remains From Centuries Demise, then they changed their name to the decidedly fruitier Mourn Thy Passing. This is pummeling Death Metal of the mud-caked maggot-ridden corpse variety. No technical wankery fretboard acrobatics here, just bile and filth.


  1. Nauseating? Maggot ridden? How could I not download this? Thanks for sharing!

  2. I fucking love this kind of death metal, thanks for posting it man.

    It's a great way to start a day off.
    Death metal for breakfast is all I need.

  3. Cheers for this!

    WordVeri: burel

  4. Shit ridden filthy assmaggots! Just the change of gear I was needing from that DJ Himmler marathon that was going. Death metal before it was all jogging suits and vocal effects, da good stuff. Thanky.

  5. LOVED Deteriorate, loving this! Putrid filth played by pimply youth from my favorite state, I'm in love!

    Please deliver more of this slime!

    Thanks 'SOP!

  6. Deteriorate, did you say? I'll dl. Thanks for the upload, man!

  7. HAILS! I'm one of the guitarists on this demo (Jason H.) and THANKS for posting this. We're actually working on re-releasing this demo for its 20th anniversary early in 2012. We were asked to change the name of the band by our 'label' (piece of shit label JL America) because they had 'Skeletal Earth' on their roster. Huge mistake by us, because while recording what would have been our first full length, that label folded, and we folded shortly thereafter. \,,/
