The dirthead bangers of Deteriorate resided in the bullshit town of Penndel, Pennsylvania. In 1993 the band entered Snugfit Studios (no kidding) in Rochboro, PA and laid down what would be their debut album Rotting In Hell. Weird thing is, it's a really great slab of primitive Death Metal from start to finish. Nothing technical or elegant, just the moronic pummel of gore-obsessed youth festering in the corpse of a tiny town like larvae with guitars. Later these guys would add keyboards and try their hand at the Black Metal that was forcing out interest in Death Metal. After the band deteriorated, vocalist Jack Gannon went on to create some pretty interesting Black Metal on his own as T.O.M.B. Rotting In Hell is a sadly overlooked classic that really should be reissued perhaps by a certain big metal label that also originated in Pennsylvania but has since aerially circumnavigated a certain aquatic predator. Seriously, I think the public needs this more than another Brian Posehn record. Just fuckin' sayin'.
I love T.O.M.B., he sent me the first demo a couple of years ago and I listened to it nonstop. Always thought he was a younger guy. Cool shit.
aw man I think Posehn is a pretty funny dude
haha, it took me a minute to get that last reference of "has since aerially circumnavigated a certain aquatic predator." holy shit i am retarded. in any case, this sounds awesome and i cant wait to hear it when i get home from work. thanks and cheers!
This is an awesome release, glad someone put this up, my tape rip sounds like shit
was this on JL records? I remember seeing this and Beherit records in advertisements in Metal Maniacs
I bought this album at a second hand store on the strength of the cover alone. I wasnt disappointed with the slayage i found therein.
hell yeah, that brian posehn record is awful
To be fair, he really does look like he's made of farts.
Really liking this so far. great to have you back, man
Brian Posehn is a good stand-up comedian.
His attempts at 'comedy metal' are cringe-worthy, though.
Midgard Serpent?
Cheers for this! About time I listened to my T.O.M.B. tape again as well.
The word veri for this comment ends in "stfu". So I will.
I had the demo from these guys. I think I remember liking it better than the album. Not the first time that has happened though. They reminded me of Deicide. I think I finally got the CD of this, but it didn't do a whole lot for me at that point as it was "derivative death metal" by that point.
Sadly, critics shat on a good amount of really great albums back then. I would rather listen to 5 "derivative death metal" albums recorded with heart in 1993 than sit through one new purely death metal album anymore.
Yup JL America, home to many bands that epitomized generic death metal.. but in a GOOD way (it's hard to explain that caveat). I do believe said label was involved in some fashion with notorious rip-offs Wild Rags which would also explain why the label went belly-up and all their releases went out of print. Other JL America releases worth owning are Killing Addiction - "Omega Factor"; Vicious Circle - "Cryptic Void" and Morpheus Descends - "Ritual of Infinity". The latter was re-released by Xtreem and is a certified classic of early brutal death metal, and my friend Brad Moore did the original cover art.
that logo hahaha
welp...there goes the remainder of my hardrive space...worth it
I love this cd, a total underrated classic from my high school years. I recently shelled out 25 bucks on Amazon to own a hard copy of this again. It was well worth it.
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