Monday, November 15, 2010

Ancestor of the Darkly Sky

Gehenna's brilliant 1993 EP was clumsily called Ancestor of the Darkly Sky and was released in limited numbers by Necromantic Gallery Productions. The riffing and atmosphere are exemplary of my favorite period of Norwegian black metal, when gaunt suburban norgie teens painted up and flocked to the woods to pose in the snow, a time when the woods echoed with reverb and fell screams....darkly.


GRK. said...

Must admit I've heard more of the Mexican Gehenna than the Norgie one, so thanks!

abdul alhazred said...

I've just recently discovered this band but I'm enjoying all I've heard so far. They remind of that spooky modern French vibe. Haven't heard this one though, thanks.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the title of the post and album I already knew this was gonna be good (spelling and grammar errors are often a good sign haha.) Then when I scrolled down and saw it was by Gehenna, it confirmed that it was mandatory, I actually love that First Spell E.P.
Cheers Aesop, thanks for the awesome black metal


Anonymous said...

Excellent! Oldie but goodie. I've been in a Norse BM-purist kind of mode recently. I've allowed room for some Agalloch. And Imynvokad. Still, this fits right in with my NBM playlist. It's a shame their later work got so fucky.

justin said...

Not a lot of knowledge about this era of Black Metal, thanx for turning me onto this.

hhhaaaooonnn said...

it's how they did it.

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the music. It's a great pick me up as I have been feeling little darkly these days.

LeechFarm said...

I can never get enough ... of this funky stuff. And by funky stuff I mean brutal black metal. Thnx Aesop.