Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yogurt Live

Back when I posted the Yogurt tapes I mentioned the short-lived live incarnation of Yogurt of Matty Luv (guitar and vocals,) Chubby (other guitar with one less string and in a different tuning than Matty's and vocals) and myself (children's drum kit from the '50s and vocals). This line up played a handful of shows in the Bay Area in 1999. Here is a pretty quality board tape from a matinee show at Gilman Street. The first song is an IT IS I cover then it goes downhill from there. I'm fairly sure this the show where Matty and I did a ton of Ritalin and I was caught drinking beer by the Albany police department, they were going to arrest me on some outstanding warrants but I used the old jedi mind trick of training my mind on fruit salad, and they let me go. Unfortunately this tape cuts off before we played "the tough guy metal one" which was our song "Real Men Cook Their Heroin In The Belly Of A Goat" which had lyrics stolen directly from Darkthrone's "Paragon Belial." Nothing here is as wonderful as the 4 track recordings Matty did in his room, but might be of interest to the die hard Naked Cult devotee, or anyone interested in bad music played by bad people. I've been sitting on this recording for some time now and felt it was best to get it off my chest and into some earholes. Enjoy. Oh, and that graphic has nothing to do with Yogurt or Ritalin or Jedi Knights, it's from the weirdest schizophrenic christian conspiracy pamphlet I have ever seen titled Prison Penned Comics by Richard McCoslin. Dude at the top is the Phantom Patriot, guy below is The Revelator. I love you.


  1. Ritalin used to be fun.........

  2. I thought i've heard everything you guys recorded and *poof* now this. Thanks! Any other hickey/yougurt/fuckboyz stuff we didn't know existed?

  3. This is AWESOME.
    Aesop: what was the show you and Matty did at the Coco club (off 8th street...basement) in the late '90s...maybe early '00s. Matty played acoustic guitar and you played a real minimal drum kit. There were a bunch of Christmas/Jesus-themed songs; I remember one had the chorus: "Hats off to Jesus/Hats off to my Lord," or something like that. On your kickdrum there was a picture of a scary looking little girl and a note that said: " give me cocaine."
    I don't remember who else played; maybe Subtonix?, if you remember, are any of those songs recorded? Thanks.

  4. I do remember. Some of the songs were Matty originals, some were Yogurt songs, and then we did 3 covers by the great defunct Florida punk band The Trash Monkeys. Those were: "Hats Off To Jesus," "I want to Get Married in Heaven" and "Jesus Is My Boyfriend." We never properly recorded any of those.

  5. YES! I remember all of those songs now; the lyrics were hilarious. And found a myspace page for Trash Monkeys. Thanks again!

  6. Knowing how dear you hold this stuff, just wanted to give my sincerest thank you.

  7. Aww, you boys just love makin' with the trouble. I love these little 'for die-hards only' type gems. Really, I couldn't get enough of this material. Thanks so much.

  8. been hooked ever since the last yogurt post. thanks

  9. Thank you so much for sharing these.

  10. When I first saw this post, I thought it was some sort of BLOWFLY related side project.

  11. I was checking out your first post of the tapes, Aesop, and I found a cover of The Flaming Lips' "Plastic Jesus". Fuckin' badass. I'm downloading this next...

  12. "Plastic Jesus" was from the film "Cool Hand Luke" about 25 years before the Lips.

  13. I've seen that, great movie. Didn't realize that was where it was from though. Thanks for the info, now I'll have to rewatch it.

  14. yeah, wow. as a "die hard naked cult devotee" i really appreciate you posting this, i had a copy of this recording on cassette like 10 years ago that god only knows what happened to it. what i'm really kicking myself for losing is the yogurt boxed set i found on my doorstep on my birthday one year. matty had overdubbed my name onto the "hey it's your birthday" song. few things have ever made me feel so special. i returned the favor by painting a cartoonish portrait of matty surrounded by needles, penises and broken hearts and leaving it on you guys doorstep on his birthday. i still have that painting cuz after he passed away i helped sarah pack his shit and figured i should keep it. god i miss that fucker!

  15. The Locust all wear masks now when they play!

  16. i remember recording that show, i thought that maybe the last song was on side two. I gave matty the original, and he gave me the Yogurt box set in return. I have yet to hear anything that meant as much to me as fuckboyz/hickey/yogurt. thank you for the digitizing this...

  17. My crappy band played with you guys at Ferns Birthday. Fun day for me.

  18. oh hey i was trying to download this again and the files not there...
