Hey, wossamatta you? You don't want to hear some fuckin' metal from New York in the '80s? And what is more New York or Metal than a dominatrix and a handcuffed dude in a diaper? Here we have another regional compilation of young metal hopefuls. The comp starts off with the track "Whore" by Warhead from Rochester. Warhead sound like a poor man's W.A.S.P. ( I know what you are thinking: W.A.S.P. is a poor man's W.A.S.P.) Cities is up next doing "Still Of The Night." Cities is known to some for having AJ Pero of Twisted Sister on drums, but this doesn't make me like them any less. Takashi are the coke-metal contribution to this comp, sounding like an anemic Poison on their track, "Live To Rock." Perhaps the best known band on the comp (along with Overkill) Virgin Steele get two tracks, the awesomely titled but useless solo wankery of "Guitar War 84," and their epic theme song "Virgin Steele." So this band Teazer has a shitty name but the crappy guitar tone and overall production of their track "Day Zero" a surprise charmer. Blacklace is the token female-fronted bar-metal/hard rock band that seem to appear on almost every regional Metal comp. A very young and plucky Overkill contribute "Feel The Fire." Another female-fronted band, Deathslayer step up with "Journey For Light" which reminds me of some of the cool early Swedish metal bands that have been featured here on the Hearse. The whole NY Metal party comes to end with the best track, "We Rule The Night" by Frigid Bich (their spelling, not mine.) This trashy anthem has so much attitude and balls it almost makes you forget those pussies in Takashi almost ruined the party. Pretty cool.