Friday, July 9, 2010

Abigail Lives

Two hundred and ten years after Count de LaFey pushed the Countess down the stairs, King Diamond performed the bulk of his benchmark album Abigail, a track from Fatal Portrait, and a Mercyful Fate classic ("Come To The Sabbath") in front of a packed house of adoring accolytes. Not the greatest sounding live production and really only part of his back catalog due to contractual obligations, but this is the King at his peak, so it's hard to not love it, right?


Taralezh said...

Abigail is one of my favourite albums of all times, and I think I never heard it live.. it's about time
Thanks Aesop

gamefaced said...


Daniel said...

King Diamond was the first concert I ever went to,won tickets from college radio. It was on the Them tour,ha,ha I was in 7th grade. The King will always have a place in my heart

Jive T said...

[in irish] sweet mercyful fate!

thanks again, my man!

ps - currently listening to black sabbath - come to the sabbath. coincidence...OR THE OCCULT?!

johnserba said...

Funny, I coincidentally just plucked this out of the used bin at the local record store. Had never heard it before, and love it...

abdul alhazred said...

Wow, I've never heard the live version of this either. After feeling crippled and wet-brained all day, suddenly things have changed.

The Wolf said...

I picked this up a few months back at a used CD store. I was jumping up and down like a little kid when I found it.

nano247 said...

thank you

T. Garrett said...


DonAvlo said...

Thanks Aesop!

dhd said...

holy shit

jk666 said...

I worshipped this record when it first came out \m/