Alverna Gunn were one of many hard rocking bunches of Anglo youngsters immersed in the NWOBHM scene. Being from the bullshit town of Lowestoft in Suffolk county, Alverna Gunn didn't enjoy the notoriety of some of their peers, despite being quite a good band. Here I present Alverna Gunn's 1982 demo. The first two tracks are strong typical NWOBHM rockers. The final track, "Once Bitten Twice Shy" is the sort of throwaway AC/DCish bit o' pub band tripe that mars so many otherwise perfect NWOBHM demos and singles. This demo is worth it for "Mad Dog" alone.
I know we're all really excited about Crud Wizard, but seriously, no comments?
Perfect for bopping around like a muppet on the old bike. I like that they didn't overdub the rhythm guitar behind the lead. very dramatic, that.
Thanks so much for this! So much fun!
hell yeah! just what i need to start my week! thanks for fuel! shredddddding!
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