Saturday, July 24, 2010


For those of you paying attention, Lascowiec is an extremely mysterious and amazingly talented Black Metal band based out of San Francisco. They released two brilliant cassettes through my former label The Funeral Agency. The few copies of Gesamkunstwerk and Gunshots Ring Out Over Vinland Streets were scooped up fast, and were both extremely well-received when they were featured here on The Hearse. This is Lascowiec's third demo, the as of yet unreleased Isolation, and it is perhaps their most compelling work yet. Fuck, I love this band.


Taralezh said...

Alright, thanks Aesop !

Tyler Lunch said...


Anonymous said...

Can you post the track listing? I just got "track 1" "track 2" etc.


ACES!!!!!! Cant wait to hear this one!!!!!

dustinswanson said...

aw hell yeah. I agree with you about Lascowiec's genius.

Aesop said...

No tracklist.

Robert Nowhere said...

im only on the third track, and this growing on me big-time...

Petya V said...

thank you!

Chet the Medicine said...

that is some insanely blackened mouldy nastiness right there my man. score yet another for you, you black tongued iron toothed tastemaker.

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Any information on when this will be released?

Aesop said...

Not sure if it will. They have two unreleased demos, this being one of them. NH of the band gave me full permission to share this one. They do have a split coming soon with a Belarussian band whose name escapes me.

Anonymous said...

good stuff.

kris138 said...

look forward to checking this out, thanks

GRK. said...


pavel said...

thanks for this! great to hear a U.S. band doing the eastern european pagan sound. track 6 slays.

Anonymous said...

random question, but how is the band name pronounced???

Anonymous said...

Damn this band is amazing, this is certainly the best that I have heard by them. They should be better known. Do they ever tour? (I live in Hell A.)

-anonymoua jew

Crowned in Laurels said...

Thanks Aesop! Lascowiec (Angkor Vat as well) has been one of my favorite raw styled black metal bands ever since I first heard them two years ago.

I am very pleased to be downloading this right now as I've been wondering what has happened to them.

For those looking for their tapes, TDG might still be distributing them.

Aesop said...

The name is pronounced Los-co-veece.

They do not tour or play live

Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton! Ask for permission to post the other unreleased demo as well!

Anonymous said...

Aesop: The other bands on the Lascowiec's split are Marblebog and Vérzivatar.

Aesop said...

I was talking about a split that is pending

G O D said...

these guys fuckin RULE!! hey check out a black metal split over at my blog :
1st band from ybor city,tampa.4 piece band of lo-fi blackness.
the count lives on the sponge docks of tarpon springs,fl.keyboard based black readings of evil.
so 2 tampa bay area ,underground,lo-fi ,black metal terror mongers!
both bands have assured me of further material,coming soon!
thanks aesop!

Aisha said...

This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you for posting so much wonderful music, you've got a lot of real gems on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, these guys are amazing. Their tracks on the Marblebog and some other band split are mesmerizing.

Unknown said...

So fucking hypnotizing! I'm really surprised they put pictures of themselves on something.

marek said...

Thanks so much for this.

Dan said...

THANK YOU for posting this! I've just recently discovered this band and they are fucking amazing. I can't wait to hear whatever it is they do next.

Anonymous said...

For Wotan's sake, somebody please release this in a proper format! Is there any way to contact this band?

Anonymous said...

Great band! However I'd not talk about them being 'genius', their genre has already some precedents in certain bands...
But I'd still mention the PASSION, it seems some sort of passion into the music, like any track could be the last one and they put the most force they can...