I am taking a break from giving you all weird albums to let you know about the Tankcrimes Brainsqueeze fest. All the info you need is in this genius infomercial made by members of such luminary bands as Voetsek, Impaled, Kicker, Dystopia, and Ghoul. No need to thank me, just go, unless you are a pussy.
Or watch the video here
What a lineup! Enjoy ya lucky dawg those bands will never come to chump junction, well maybe Toxic Holocaust. Bwahaha!
This must be the most hilarious thing ever created by mankind.
Well, I know which two words I'll be repeating all day. Reminds me of the time I watched Law & Order & then couldn't get "wigstore switchbox" out of my head.
Dude - that is fucking amazing!
Thrashfest, eh? And just when I thought I could put my Budweiser soaked denim away for the season...
wow, I wish I was going to this, last time I saw Municipal Waste was at FEST 7 & they kicked buttocks big time! They threw out like a googolplex shots of vodka to the crowd what a bunch of rad dudes!
Yes. Please Go. Especially to see A.N.S.
"you little shit" that had me rolling.
Celeb spotting in the youtube video, Ezra!
Yeah, that is Ezra as "The Little Shit"
Hahahahahahahaha that was very fucking funny!
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