Chemotherapy's "Resist" ep is as much a piece of outsider art as it is a punk record from the '80s. Chemotherapy didn't wait until they knew their way around their instruments, they didn't spend a whole hell of alot of time on the song writing, the art, or the production, and with 12 songs in 6 minutes, Chemotherapy didn't really want to waste too much of your time either. Chemotherapy's one and only release is an Attention Deficit Disorder sufferer's dream. The 12 songs are just quick, poorly played yet impassioned punk jingles overflowing with teenage sass and post-adolescent attitude. More of a snotty, hissy-fit of a record than a balls-out anger-fueled hardcore rager. So bumbling and weird, it's impossible not to love Chemotherapy. This was self released in 1983. I have nothing more on this record or this band. Obviously they were American, but from where, I don't know.
came out of Indianapolis in the early 80s
Any chance you can re-up this one please?
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