No big fanfare or thing-a-majig today, the anniversary of Matty Luv's untimely passing, just some Hickey tracks that never made it on any of our official releases, and a pic of the awesome Matty Luv memorial mural on Clarion alley in San Francisco. I miss you, Matty.
1. "Hickey Blvd."-from The Mission Accomplished compilation.
2. "Foodstamps and Drink Tickets"- from the VGS/Hickey split, but then again I am not even sure it's the same version.
3. This was Hickey's side of the Hickey/VBF split 7"
4. An Avengers cover for some comp that may have never come out where we were asked to record an early punk song we love.
5. A live version of "Last Night On The Planet" from a Canadian DIY compilation.
6. Our cover of Manowar's "Kingdome Come" from the Death To False Metal compilation
7. "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" which appeared on some compilation I forget what it's called.
8. "Coffee Beans..." was recorded live on the radio in Tucson and appeared on Matt Shapiro's Scene through my eyes comp.
9. "Robots Never Cry" never was released as far as I know, I could be wrong.
Thanks. Nothing else to say, really. Thanks to Matty and thanks to you for sharing.
tHANK yOU for doing that! :)
I'm jumpin on the thanks Matty and aesop bandwagon for one.
I was waiting for this ! Thanx a lot Aesop
Thanks, Matty. 7 years. It's hard to believe its been that long.
Aesop, thank you for sharing these special recordings.
miss you both, hope to see one of you soon.
Thanks, Aesop for posting this, and Matty for being part of it and making the world make a little more sense.
The punk covers comp that features the Avengers cover did make it out.
Here's a link to the emusic page for it.
I've got it if anyone wants. Just email me. my user name at gmail.com.
Aesop - thanks for putting this up. RIP Matty.
I share Hickey's music with everyone I can. I missed out on the live experience. But I'll never forget what the music and the words mean to me. Thank you, Aesop, and much love to you and to Matty's memory.
Thanks for posting this.
R.I.P. Matty
This selection is mind-blowing.
Thanks for sharing these gems.
I be tippin' one for you & your boy as we speak...
this rules! thanks ALOT for postin'. time is weird thing fer darn sure.
"Robots Never Cry" was released; I think it was on a comp called "Trend is Dead" that also had Your Mother on it...? I know I've heard it somewhere, just not sure where.
Still: awesome collection and THANKS
hey you got a copy of the rest of that tucson radio show? ivy gave me a tape a looooong time ago that who knows what happened to it, but the slow version of "prettiest junkie in town" complete with dedication to GGP gutterpunks, is totally classic and makes me weep like an alcoholic mom.
Unfortunately I don't, but if you can find it I'd love to post it, it was our last night as a band ever.
Thanks so much for posting this stuff! I saw Hickey in Arkansas a couple times when I was a young 'un. The Two-Man Rancid cracked my shit up, but it was "Waiting in Exile For Babylon's Fall" that had me calling up my friends late at night to read passages out of at length. What a glorious way to get corrupted early on. Every autumn since then, I get all sentimental and bust out the tunes and play em over and over. I never get tired of hearing em. Glad to have these to add to the rotation.
I wrote about how much I loved Hickey when I worked for my school paper a few years ago. I still get excited and happy just thinking about Hickey. There are no other bands from that time that make me feel that way. Thanks man!
hey aesop
I've got a copy of the whole radio show I can send to you....or put up somewhere on the internet when I figure it out.
and I'm pretty sure the end for the band didn't come till like a year later...cause I was in town for the radio show, but not for the backyard party at lillian's(which I think was Hickey's last night on the planet)
awesome blog by the way
still got the velour track suit?
Hey Mark. No on the track suit. I'll write you about getting that recording. Would love to post it here.
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