Okay, this is an odd one. Metal Virgins sound pretty fucking punk throughout most of their one and only release, Animal People (1984) which isn't a bad thing in the least. The drunken punter vocals (and amazing lyrics) of a guy named Steve and the bands frantic, sloppy almost speed metal, almost hyper fast NWOBHM biker stomp is as confusing as it is delicious. Often Steve sounds like he's singing an entirely different song than the rest of his Metal Virgin mates, but his performance is so passionate and looney that you won't fucking care. I simply don't feel that I have the vocabulary to adequately express how fucking cool Animal People is. Just get it.
Steve sure likes the word "fuck" a lot. This is a riot. The music is dirty and loud and the lyrics are mentally unhinged. I am loving this and will soon be sharing it with everyone I know. Thanks!
Thanks for this rip. I had the Sickness Abounds rip for a while, but this is better for not having those digital noise removal artefacts on it.
in some strange way, it kinda reminds me of a white version of the bad brains.
Is Steve the Mark E. Smith of NWOBHM?
More like the Vyvyan of UKHC.
Great record. I've always thought this LP sounds like Brainbombs if they tried to play NWOBHM. Vinyl copies don't show up often enough of this one so grab one if you see it.
this is the uk punk band the accursed they sound the same i still don't beleave this is metal it's too punk sounding.
Bloody fucking brilliant!
-the anonymous jew
Listening to The Accursed's 'Up With the Punks' LP right now, & it could very well be the same people behind this album. Always thought Metal Virgins sounded like punx who'd never heard any thrash but had read about it in Kerrap! a couple of times.
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