Here's some strange one-man black metal from Russia (with hate.) Death Triumphant was the name under which an individual calling himself Fallen operated between 1998 and 2005. Death Triumphant released two great demos, Obscure Origin being the second. Towering, buzzing, unfriendly black metal at times reminding me a bit of Furze. Kvlt!!!
(sorry I don't usually post comments I don't usually know what to say sometimes)
Thanks for this post Aesop, much appreciated
This sounds up my alley, especially with the Furze comparison.
I always step up my black metal consumption this time of year, so thanks for the new material. This is pretty cool, and the song titles are a hoot.
And by the way, the songs I've heard from the new Agalloch album are AMAZING.
Damnation... This is fuckin' cool.
Got it! Too good! Thanks.
Yes, I do agree about Aesop being THE source, for not only obscure black metal, but Scadinavian deth metal and Zambian psychedelia! I said it once and I will say it again- this by far the best music blog on the interwebs.
-The Anonymous Jew
cant seem to get the file to download
Precisely the right kind of baleful filth. Thank you.
The music's fantastic, it's just a shame the guy's voice is so shit!
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