Bulgaria is a country in southern Europe. They love their yogurt, and their volleyball, and their orthodox church, but there is at least two Bulgarians that probably don't care for bacterial dairy products, or sports, and definitely don't care for churches. The individuals known as Necromant and Vesela operated as Stormsheim for a brief time in 1996. This unholy union produced one demo titled Ars Imperje, it is an odd bit of poorly recorded, keyboard heavy teenage darkness. Black Metal in an aesthetic sense but the music here is more like early Mortiis with harsh vocals. I like yogurt.
guh-rate! thanx
Reminds me of Amon Sul, which is to say, "gratuitous use of keyboards go!"
I dunno, there's every chance that Necromant and/or Vesela would be perfectly happy to sit in a church, eating yogurt, and talking about volleyball.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! YOGURT!
AFAIK, Bulgaria is considered part of eastern Europe. Everything East of Poland/Italy and North of Greece is called eastern Europe here.
bulgaria is south-eastern europe !!!
really into low quality black metal with synth/keyboards like this and Cythraul, got any more shit along those lines you can post after you get back from your respite?
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