Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Certain Death

Killing Children, were they children that killed, or is the name a verb? Not sure, and not sure it matters. These uncelebrated punkers hailed from Indiana, but this could have come from Southern California circa '81. Killing Children would've fit right in on one of those Posh Boy comps. You know, one of those bands that sits between punk rock and hardcore. When Tim Yo reviewed this little record in 1983 he so eloquently stated, "I really like this" I am inclined to agree.


Devil Dick said...

i have this 7 inch floating around somewhere. good stuff. devil dick approved.

philbrick said...

This record has been eluding me for years. It's almost impossible to find, with the exception of $100 plus auctions on ebay. I've been searching for the vinyl for ten years. Did I mention that I greatly appreciate what you do?

Yours truly,

Anonymous said...

Do you know where in Indiana? I get excited when i hear of cool stuff not coming out of Indy or Bloomington, or Gary (of course lets not forget Michael)

GRK. said...

Transgression were another ace Indiana band.