Despite the tag, Hunok are not a Black Metal band. Hunok does, however, operate within Black Metal circles, having released collaborative efforts with Marblebog and Bilskirnir. Hunok plays more droning ambient folk with allusions to the ancestral heathenry of their native Hungary. Hunok's work is subtle and reflective, even relaxing. This amazing cassette titled Gesta Hungarorum was the band's first release. The songs are instrumental but the tapes insert explains the songs ties to the linear story of Árpád, who was the second Magyar prince and the early Hungarians who settled in Carpathia. To enhance the listening experience I have included the text that accompany the songs. Enjoy.
Attila Király Halála (Death of God's Scourge)
Fate, in return for many misfortunes that were sent forth to mankind by his weapons, broke his fatal thread just when he felt the happiest. Attila passed away in the spring of the year 453 when they were celebrating their wedding with princely Ildikó. He was said to go in for insatiable drinking during the wedding-feast. The quaich, handled by his cup-bearer, was filling and emptying faster than usual and when Attila retired to his chambers inside his head was on the verge of intoxication and his eyes were closed down sleepily. Next morning he was not seen to come out moreover the greater part of the day passed without any rustles. At last the guardians of the palace got anxious, they were shouting but no answer came out of the room. They burst open the door of the bedroom and a horrific scene unfolded before them. Attila lay lifeless on his bed with his head in a pool of blood and next to the bed stood the beautiful Ildikó with her eyes swimming in tears. The guardians tried to wake him up in vain, he did not move and his body was cold as ice. A few moments later the dreadful sound of pain rumbled through the palace; the Huns were tearing their hair in despair, some were rendering their faces with daggers. The news spread like a bolt from the blue - Attila was dead.
Új Remény (Lord Álmos)
In 819 A.D. Ügyek, who was a very noble chieftain of Szcítia and was hailing from king Mágóg's clan, married the daughter of chief Onedbelia in Dentü-Mogyer, whose name was Emes. She bore a son, who got the name Álmos. This name comes from a divine, magic event since in a dream of his pregnant mother a divine vision appeared in the shape of a turul bird and by descending on her got Emes pregnant. At the same time, it seemed to her that a well was springing up from her womb and noble kings were hailing from her loins but they wouldn't proliferate on their own land. Thus, since the vision appearing during sleep is called álom in Hungarian and because his birth was also foreshadowed by a dream, he got the name Álmos. Álmos, after he'd come into the world, meant a great pleasure for Ügyek and his relatives, as well as for almost all the notables of Szcítia because Ügyek, his father, was hailing from king Mágóg's clan. Álmos, himself, was a nice but brown-cheeked man. His eyes were black but big, he was tall and slim, his hands were large and his fingers were bulky. At the same time he was a graceful, benevolent, generous, wise and straight soldier. He was happy and generous for the soldiers of Szcítia country at that time. And when he'd reached the mature age he was greater and wiser than all the other chieftains of Szcítia country, despite he was a pagan. At that time, all the affairs of the country were conducted according to his advice or with his help. When he'd reached manhood, Álmos married the daughter of a highly noble chieftain of that land. She bore a son who was named Árpád, whom he took with him to Pannónia.
Véreskü (Oath of the 7 Lords)
The first passage of the oath reads as follows: Till their lives and indeed till the lives of their descendants last, their chieftain always be of Álmos' offspring. The second passage of the oath reads as follows: All the stock and property they gathered through hard work should be distributed on equal terms. The third passage of the oath reads as follows: Neither those in the principality, who elected Álmos their own lord by their own will, nor their sons let ever fall out from the chieftain's council or from the functions of the country. The fourth passage of the oath reads as follows: If any of the descendants would be unfaithful to the chief or would stir up a conflict between the chieftain and their relatives, let the blood of the sinner flow as their own blood flew when swearing to Álmos. The fifth passage of the oath reads as follows: At any of the descendants of Álmos or those others in the principality would be to break the agreement sealed with an oath, be damned eternally. These seven men were:
Álmos, the father of Árpád; Elód, the father of Szabolcs from whom the clan Csák was hailing; Kend, the father of Korcán; Ond, the father of Ete from whom the clans Kalán and Kölcse were hailing; Tas, the father of Lél; Huba, from whom the clan Szemere was hailing; and the seventh was Tétény, the father of Horka, and the sons of Horka were Gyula and Zombor from whom the clan Maglód was hailing.
Árpád, Our Ancient Father
In 903 A.D: Árpád with his armies conquering the whole land between rivers Tisza and Bodrog, up to Ugocsa, with all of its inhabitants. He had laid siege to the fortress of Borsoba and took it with fight by the third day, destroyed its walls and had the soldiers of Sadán, whom he'd found there, led to the fortress of Hung in shackles. While they were staying there for a couple of days, the chief and his people saw the fertility of that land, the abundance of games of every kind and that how rich the rivers of Tisza and Bodrog were in fish, therefore they rode to it unspeakably. In the end, Salán, hearing from his people what had happened, didn't dare to fight back but according to Hungarian customs by sending messengers he began to threaten. He hailed Árpád shamefully as the chief of Hungária, and called his people "hungárus" and began to wonder who they were then and where they came from that they dare to do such things. At the same time he sent a message to them, that they'd make amends for their evil deeds and dare not cross the river Bodrog by any means otherwise he himself would set to avenge their evil deeds harshly with the help of the Greeks and Bulgarians and he'd hardly set any of Árpád's people free except one who could announce his delight upon returning home that he had escaped.
Salán's delegates crossed the river Bodrog making their way to the fortress of Zemplén and the next day they reached chief Árpád. On the third day they greeted Árpád in the name of their Lord and told him the message. Árpád, on hearing this said, not with arrogance but with honesty: "The land between the Danube and river Tisza was my forefather's, king Attila, who had great power. Yet I, not because I'm afraid I couldn't oppose the Greeks or the Bulgarians ut for the sake of friendship with you chief Salán, ask for a small part of my dues for my castles that is the land up to river Sajó. Besides, I ask your chief to send me two crates of the water of the Danube as well as a faggot of the grass of the sand of Alpár to experience if the grass of Alpár is sweeter than that of Scythia, that is Dentü-Mogyer and if the water of the Danube is better that the Don's." After he had told them the message, he presented them abundantly and thus, winning their good will, sent them home. Árpád then was conferring with his people and he also sent his delegates to chief Salán. He also sent Salán twelve white horses...
Honfoglalás (897 - End of the Great Migration)
With a joint stand, mutual understanding and free will, chieftain Árpád and all his main people withdrew from the island and set up a tent over Soroksár up the stream Kákos. And as they saw they had been safe from every side and no-one had been able to resist them, they crossed the Danube. The harbour, where they crossed the river, was named Magyar-harbour after the crossing of the seven princely people across the river Danube. Reaching the other side they set up a tent along the Danube up to the upper-waters. Hearing this, the Romans escaped to save their lives. Next day, however, Árpád and all his chief people together with all the valiant soldiers of Hungary, marched in the town of king Attila. There they saw the palaces - some were in ruins, some weren't - and were wondering at those buildings of stone above. They cheered up exceptionally since they'd become worthy of occupying king Attila's town - without fight, off whose offspring chief Árpád was also hailing. Every day they were feasting cheerfully in the palace of king Attila, sitting side by side. The meat and drink was served on golden plates to the noble and on silver plates to the middle ranks as peasants since all the goods of the surrounding countries had been given by God to their hands. They were living abundantly and magnificently together with all their guests visiting them. Chief Árpád presented the guests carousing them with him with large lands and estates. Hearing this even more guests were swarming to Árpád and rebelling with him. Árpád and his people stayed in the town of Attila for twenty days in joy. Meanwhile, all the valiant soldiers of Hungary were taking part in knight tournaments in front of their chief riding on their armoured battle-stallions while the young were performing archery according to pagan traditions. This made Árpád very happy and he presented all valiant men with various goods such as gold, silver and other possessions. In addition, at the same place he presented a land to Kend, the father of Korcán, extending from king Attila's town over hundredmands and Diód as well as a castle to Kend's son to defend his folk. Korcán named this town after his own name and this name has not fallen into oblivion since then.