I have often whined about hardcore getting away from the punks and falling into the meaty hands of the jocks but this absolutely takes the proverbial cake. Dead Lift, who hail from Michigan, literally cut the fat with their 7 Minute Workout Demo. Eight songs to get you psyched up to pump some fucking iron! Fucking stupid.
Well nice guitar sound-ish, sounds like a metalzone pedal with the bass right up and just the right amount of compression not long enough tho' and too frantic
I like to do a bit of cardio in 20 minute non stop bursts of slow but intense exercise which leaves you in a heap at the end.
This blog provides the best music for this, most recently I recommend
I look forward to more of the same
You're a masochist for listening to this and a sadist for posting it! Thanks?
Dear lord, that cover is just too much. I feel like such an inadequate man now. Thanks for the self-esteem reducer. How fucking ridiculous.
the word verification for my comment was 'munpult'. seems oddly appropriate for this release.
it is munpult, straight up munpult..
Ew, brocore.
Yes! Brocore!
Blasphemy did it better and first... black metal powerlifting skins...
heck yeah! they sound like some good, good guys. just, real good, nice, friendly, beer drinkin', kickin' back...dudes. hilarious!
Masturbate for SATAN(!) or work out at the gym......?
not much of a choice.
no thanks. earth crisis is the only lacrosse soundtrack i need.
That's not even a dead lift on the cover - looks more like a snatch or clean and jerk being locked out.
remember the ad for some hawdcoah label in MRR around late 80s with the huge buff shirtless dude holding up a cd in one hand and a coors light in the other?
Rampage from MA(?) played in California many moons ago. Total jock work out bro's. During the last song the singer started doing push ups during the breakdown. OOF!
Push-ups during the break downs? Twisted & sick man. Sounds compelling. I'd like to see bands set up barbells and dumbells on stage and really get the fuck in to it. Why not? Maybe gyms should be the new venue for heavy music. Hail fuckin' meat metal!
Awesome lyrics!
"Curl it up and do it again.
Put some 45's on the ends add some more weight and do it again"
This f'n blog f'n rules! I am now going to lose 30 pounds and kick sopme ass. see you in the pit you f'n motherf'ers
now f'off
and lift some weights!
I actually like some of the fast songs. Sometime beefslab "hardcore" amuses me. Tho' I don't listen to too much of it. That said, I STILL wish someone would unearth any material by the band Strike Out from Cooperstown, NY. One of the best MRR interview ever. Also one of the best response letters: "Fuck Strike Out I hope G.G. Allin shits on home plate."
Lift 12oz. bottles of beer for health and well being. This is more fun than throwing bibles at straight edgers during a Stryper concert with a big X on my hand while stoned and drunk.
is.... this.... for.... real...?!
A little piece of me died just now.
I'm gonna slap this on next time I'm at the gym!
(Then go home and drink some beers... straightedge pussies...)
Funny, this is the first Hearse release that my computer refused to open. That's saying something.
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