I am headed up to Portland, and then to Europe for a tour where I get to see some favorites like Ulver, Killing Joke, Voivod, etc., so the blog won't be updated until mid April. In the meantime, go back and pick up anything you may have missed that hasn't been taken away by the feds. If we should meet out there somewhere, feel free to give me stuff, just don't be weird about it. I love you all, see you soon.
Good luck, Have loads of fun and don't forget to enjoy the bad.
Dear Aesop, I have been initiated to many now-favorites through you (ex. 1: SELDA! wow!). I live in Denmark, but will be attending Roadburn. Send an email if you want to exchange phone numbers and let me buy you a swanky glass of Belgian ale: barbeloh@hotmail.com
Happy trails and up the irons!
Perfect timing. Just been thinking of making up a jazz mix to share with / in honor of your work here. It will be waiting for you when you get back. Pleasant travels!
But what if being weird IS my gift?
you back yet?
Hey Aesop, I haven't been here since closing the Funeral Stench. Good to see a good blog is still active. Have you seen the Gilead Media Fest? A lot of Woodsmoke bands will be playing. I really wish I could attend but figured I should spread the news to the small crowd of Woodsmoke fans.
I'm a little worried. We haven't heard from you in a while. I hope nothing bad happened. It would be a bummer to find out you got hurt or something on the road. To hell with the tunes, I just hope all is well with you.
Hope you start posting again bro, your posts make my day sometimes!
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