Being a suburban Florida punker in the '80s I hungered for new issues of Maximum Rock n Roll and Flipside. This was my connection to the greater punk world that existed beyond the flaccid dick shaped state I was stuck in. While MRR was a great resource for finding out about the Japanese and Finnish band's I was obsessed with, Flipside was a bit more light hearted and generally better written. Also their kick ass Vinyl Fanzine compilations made me like Flipside all the more. Released in 1984 on vinyl and cassette, Flipside Vinyl Fanzine Volume 1, like all the great American Punk comps of the time, had some favorites of mine (The Freeze, F, GBH) but it also hipped me to some that would become favorites (Scream, The FUs, Government Issue, AOD.) It also had some crap (ASF, TSOL.) Each band contributes an intro bit in attempt to tie in the whole fanzine theme (Scream's being the most memorable.) Maybe not as important an artifact as Let Them Eat Jellybeans or Rat Music For Rat People, but still worthy.
This was one of the first comps I ever heard as a kid. Flipside was a great mag...along with MRR and Factsheet 5 one almost felt connected, even in places like *gasp* Texas. ;)
yes sir... i had this in PA. yearsssss ago. thanks.
I used to listen to this religiously, haven't seen that album art in so long. brings back a lot of memories of being a punk-wanna-be in suburban kentucky!
This turned me on to Gay Cowboys in Bondage,F,and GI and BlackMarketBaby (still don't really know them).
"Domestic Battlefield" was IT when I was 15.I had the tape in 9th grade and it's long gone. My LPs "to buy" when I moved here were JFA (first LP and EP -I had a tape in HS with both), Drunk Injuns(frontside grind)and this. When I found it, I ripped it from LP back to cassette tape to play in our van on tour. God times!
"all your ideas are stupid...what are you talking about, I'm the only one with ideas! Eat lead!"
TSOL - Crap? I don't think so. If anything underrated. Dance with me and Beneath the Shadows are classics.
Heard the song on this comp?
Thanks, never heard this. Heard of most of the bands, saw a few of them too
Aesop, you grew up in Fl. ?
Hmmm... we ran parallels, it seems.
this album, as was the fanzine was great. volume two was good as well. Do you have that one by chance?
They were reissued on CD by someone a long time ago. I have a distant friend that actually has it. If I can work it, I will get a copy and let you know.
Yes, Garrett I grew up in Hollywood, Florida. Moved in '88. I do have #2 but I appreciate the offer.
I was further north, in Gainesville. Land of the mighty Roach Motel and the Mutley Chix. Ah, those was the days...
Have you posted vol. 2, by chance? Even ripped from vinyl, I wouldn't mind hearing that again.
Take care man, Love your blog and your artifacts.
ha.. I just realized that the art you posted was from vol. 2.
Actually it's from the cassette version of volume one.
That's odd! I thought Gene Simmons was on the cover since vol. 2 was on Gasatanka Records. I'm looking at the art on the vol. 1 that I had, and it has the Flipside logo with a turntable playing a flipside issue and band logos at the bottom.
No matter though, shit's still good.
Why was Flipside always pushing the Anti Srunti Faction? Remember when they were pushing Detox?
Peace out.
Look here for that art:
ASF were horrible but I can see how someone might think it is endearing. Detox were good, like L.A.'s Flipper.
that's the one.
Thanks for the mammaries!
Congrats on the Razorcake recognition. I was catching up on my readin' this past week and saw you at the top of someone's top ten list.
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