I know little, but I know this tape is way fucked up, and comes from a band called Iguman from Montenegro, which apparently is a country in Europe. The title is Rogati Kopitar, and it was released in 2006. I am just stunned by this one. I think Paul Von Aphid may have given this to me in double-dipped supercool moment, but it is hard to think right now.
Thanks for sharing, this is not easy to find! Btw, the band is actually called IGUMAN, just for correctness... haha!
they don't like South Park (hu hu)
Montenegro is of course a European country! Part of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
It is also a great, great Italian liquor. I recommend it!
Holy fuck! Or in this case, unholy fuck.
how you get access to all of this stuff is baffling, but awesome nonetheless. thanks for all the sharing.
today I step out of my bed and I feel so good alone without wife and without cats
I check out from my window, see the balkan plane with coca cola advertising on my radio and feel so much beter than ever before
thanks social paterns and street values helping us to make so beautiful things in this world
montenegro is ex-yugoslavian republic with some 600 000 citizens, and un bands are very (I mean VERY) rare from that part.
Thanks for this. Awesome.
mmm, I can't listen that I have clothes to wash, but thank you in advance due to my mp3
Track three is so friggin' weird it defies description.
thanks again aesop!
I'm coming from another blog where I've not enough choices
thanks aesop
"today I step out of my bed and I feel so good alone without wife and without cats"
Gotta love these ESL guys -- so enthusiastic!
So good! Love those high-pitched vokills.
Thanks for yet more goaty stuff!
yeah, it was me - who send this to ya. great, that you like this weirdness.
when i first take listen to that i also was stunned and then write e-mail to you.
sadly, the second band around montenegro - BOGALJ (actually - it shares the same members as IGUMAN) sucks heavily.
This is interesting.
The group has a curious affect with the combination of elements.
Reminds me of Fripp & Eno collaborations in some places.
Thank you.
Bogalj sucks but Iguman doesn't?
Whenever I feel down and need a proper laugh, I hit up Ajna's webshop to check if Iguman is still there. This can keep me going for weeks.
... Jebeni Ameri...
Thanks, suffering with a cold and fucked-up shit like this works better than Vicks Vaporub anyday!
Amazing underground band!
This sounds like it's being played at the wrong speed. But fuck I love every minute of it.
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