One of the only perks to growing up in Florida in the '80s was that every so often this really good speed metal band fronted by a semi-professional wrestler named Nasty Ronnie who drank blood from a severed head would come through our bullshit town and make us forget that we didn't have shit to do other than snort animal tranquilizers and lay in fields wondering what hell looked like.
Hahaha yes! A hillarious classic.
Best blurb for an album yet.
I vaguely remember our local punk heroes DDT (later to become the more metalic Threshold of Pain) complaining that these guys ripped 'em off, so perhaps they had a bad rep. up here in Atlanta. I dunno, anyone hear anything similarly outlawish (or at least untrustworthy) about 'em? Aesop, ever hear the lone DDT album Broken Toy? Some stellar shit on it, "Carlos" and "The Vein" especially. Ah, the old days..
They just don't make metal logos like they used to.
Damned spoiled kids. When I was young we snorted dirt!
mmmmm... sweet Ketamine
I got to see these guys totally kick ass back in 1989 with DRI,one of the most insane mosh-pits ever!!!Somebody taped Screeching Weasel over my copy of this album..thanks. Mike
Yeah but you ended up making pretty good music, no? So all the snorting and doing fuck-all was worthy.
Nasty Savage is the best band to come out of my town, Brandon FL.
Metal knights-posers will die!
having read all these cool stories about Nasty Savage and Nasty Ronnie,i always meant to check these guys out but never did until now.thank you Aesop forgiving me the chance at last.what else should i look out for from their discography?
The Abstract Reality EP is pretty great too.
Abstract Reality, yes! My favorite version of Unchained Angel, and You Snooze You Lose.
I'm in agreement with the guys above, you need to write a book. Fuckin 'ell man.
Thanks for this one Aesop. This is one of those bands I've read about a lot but never did the effort to listen to.
Is reality really this cool?
I always skipped on this one when I was in the "local HM record store"... I have the "indulgence" lp though, it's a nice record, because it have that Scott Burns/Morrisound production on a speed/thrash metal record (drums rules HARD). but the vocals kinda turn me off, it's hard to not laugh.
gonna check this out now, 20++ years late, being the big poseur i am
Brilliant band! Nasty Savage has always been criminally underrated... And Ben Meyer's a nice guy as well, he recorded various live DVDs for me.
Good record, but Nasty Ronnie is a total piece of shit. Never work with him, ever. He fucks everyone over! Ask anyone in the band. I understand he has a serious meth habit thats done nothing for his weight. I hope he dies very soon. seriously.
@ Sephim,
I'm from Atlanta by default (from Pennsylvania). I heard that story too, What I heard is Nasty Ronnie and the boys stole some of DDT's gear. As for what was accosted, I dunno what or where (Florida, I presume). I forgot to ask the last time I had any correspondence with Rob Buczynski. I liked both the Brave New World EP and the Broken Toy LP. I thought they and Neon Christ got unjustly slagged pretty hard in the "American Hardcore" book. From what I hear one of the contributors to this day (the guy from No Fraud, I guess) has an axe to grind. I thought Threshold Of Pain was pretty damn good. I don't have anything by them anymore. There was a cassette comp. I used to have with them which is Long gone. Incidentally the other half of Threshold Of Pain was none other than Alabama's Ether Dogs who recorded some really great punk rock but never widely released much of it. Apparently after Threshold Of Pain folded Jerry Weldon and Will Platt joined The Tombstones which Greg Psomas was already drumming in, while Rob Buczynski and Jim Yongue loved to Austin, Texas and formed Mercyy.
R.I.P. Greg and Will
Yes!! Man i saw these play so many times. Ronnie smashed like 5 TVs every time, They even had this super lame faux wrestling gang fight at one show (the band looked bummed cuz i think they had no idea, it was Ronnie's deal) complete with chains and bloodpacks. The crowd started yelling 'throw em in the pit!' and they would have ripped the invaders to pieces even though it was all fake. Ahhhhhh florida. So dumb and awesome.
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