Aaron Funk once referred to Winnipeg as "a frozen shithole," and as someone who has been there I can attest that it is a grey, depressing, soul-sucking, well...shithole. Sometimes shitholes provide just enough angst and crushing ennui to produce a few interesting bands. Venetian Snares, Swallowing Shit, and Terry Jacks all called Winnipeg home, but here's Fuckmorgue, a now defunct band from Winnipeg you've never heard of. Fuckmorgue combined punk, sludge, post-hardcore, black metal, and classic death rock into a furious snow flurry of negative vibes and frozen hostility. Corpse painted Canuck crusties death-obsessed and hell bent. Sadly the band only managed to eke out (I think) this one self-released CD titled Down Forever, , and I love this so fucking much If it were legal to do so, I'd marry it. Now you can have all the misery and negativity of Canada's most depressing city without having to go there. Some members of Fuckmorgue went on to form the equally compelling band, Kursk.
Fuckmorgue....the black metal sex and death.
Sounds highly interesting; as much as I like straight ahead metal I really dig anything a little 'different', a blending of genres I love. Be it progressive black metal, jazz-funk death or sludgey post-hardcore, it's what I get up for in the mo(u)rning.
Many thanks
this shit is awesome! ... when you say kurst i assume you mean kursk. not quite as good but still cool, for sure. thanks!!!
I never took you for a Terry Jacks man.
another great post, thanks
Reminds me of what was considered "emo" back 10-13 years ago, especially out of California at the time.
Was expecting something a little more traditionally heavy (i.e. It is I, etc), but this is a nice lo-fi surprise. Lots of 7th chords. The keyboard works well, which is unusual...gives it almost a psychedelic jazz edge. I wonder what this would have sounded like if the production was better.
Aesop, from the artwork and your description alone I know I will love this. Will download and listen as soon as I get home. Thank you so much!
Wow... stunning! I like hatefully singing women.
By the way, I've seen some more about Fuckmorgue here: coffeeandcompany.blogspot.com.
Thanks a lot for all the gems and rarities you share on this blog, Aesop. The black metal ones in particular but also MANY others.
For your information, CH is in my blog's list. Visit it when you have the time.
I grew up in Winnipeg and fled when I got the chance,but the city always had vital creative scenes, be they music or art or film, completely disproportionate for the relatively small population.A bleak,cold,and violent place non the less.
Thanks for this,never heard of it and looking forward to checking it out.
Wow - this is awesome shit! Vocals are really good. Love the organ. I was just hanging out with Kursk folks 2 weeks ago - very cool people.
This is really great. Some sections remind me of the HC band Ganglion (http://www.myspace.com/ganglionofthedeep) from out my way. If Kursk are really this compelling, I hope you post them!
Cheers to you,
- FeatherofHuginn
this is great, thanks!
you forgot to mention Propagandhi. not a fan?
Propaghandi are great dudes, not a fan of the music.
Wow! Sure never thought this would make it into the blogosphere, especially one I read all the time. I 'm the one that went on to be in Kursk. Fucking cheers to all of you who are enjoying it!
Thanks, Morgan, for the great CDs and the shirt you sent some time back.
This band ruled and had too short a run. There is also an instrumental demo from the period where they had a flute and violin player in the band. Also; thanks for the heads up John! Andrea follows this but hasn't been on the case since we have gotten back. hey Morgan, much deserved attention dude. -Brad
You are welcome! I had totally forgotten that I was the one that had probably sentyou the Fuckmorgue cd-I think. Thanks for sharing it.
I am living in NYC now and greatly anticipating Ludicra's upcoming show in August.
Alright, Morgan, see you in NYC soon enough.
your description sounds intriguing.combining some of my favourite genres of music is never a bad thing,so i can't wait to give this a listen.thanks Aesop.
Shit, this is so fucking good! I listened to the album three times in a row- it just blows me out of the stratosphere.
Fuckmorgue reminds me of only two bands- Detroy All Monsters and...Ludicra!
Great post again, Aeosop!
-Anonymous Jew
This was great. More please.
This is great. Thanks Aesop
this is cool, vocals sound like the blatz,
Here's to Fuckmorgue for not sounding exactly like anyone else. Bloody great. Thanks!
This is some of the greatest music i´ve ever heard. Too bad it´s their only release. Other bands, especially today seem totally boring contrary to this awesome band.
Thanks for the music.
Reminds me of the 90's.
Like the heavy side of Submission Hold, or the band Sake.
Good stuff.
Aesop, this may be the most wonderful thing you've uploaded yet. I fucking love this. Everything is completely perfect. Will take some time to really digest everything, extremely dense and deep. This isn't leaving the player anytime soon. If only they had recorded more. Thank you.
this is pure gold
HELL YEAH... The Poppy Family and FuckMorgue put friggin' Winnepeg on the map. THANK U!!!
WOW! This has totally blown my mind.
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