Not a whole lot of info on this weird tape of lo-fi archaic Black Metal. What I do know is the band is called Memoria Machinari, they are American, they clearly love Von, and the release is called Pontifex. The usual drill here, if you have been titillated by the weirder end of the Black Metal spectrum showcased here on Cosmic Hearse then you simply must add this to your collection.
Looks like armenian alphabet on the cover!
Can't wait to listen to this.
This isn't my favorite band in the world, but I never say No to free obscure black metal, so thanks! And this does hit the spot in the middle of the night when you're up and drinking bourbon.
The stuff you share with us . . . hell, you're even more generous than Jesus, my friend.
162 downloads, 3 comments.
it's great! listened late last night while drinking saltspring porter
(local brew )
thanx for this , and lots else
havent grabbed this one yet. when i do i'll be sure an leave some words
Better than three downloads & over 160 comments. Thanks!
Wordveri: colin
amazingly unpleasant
Another winner courtesy of the mighty Hearse. Am I the only one who thinks it slightly odd that a BM band should use the Latin for "The Pope" as a title?
Keep 'em coming, Aesop!
Awesome cheers. I don't think I've disliked a single BM link you've posted
this shit is twisted. thanks!
Popes have often been accused of being the antichrist. Makes sense for a black metal band to embrace this, if you ask me. (See also Poison Idea's Ian MacKaye record for seemingly odd record titling.)
Also, nice democratic touch on the cover, what with printing everything in two fonts. Even looks like the translations were added as an afterthought. Expecting this tape to be hard to get through.
THANK YOU!!! I need it.
This is Fan-Fucking-Tastic.
This guy is my boyfriend, and I love him.
i'm only 3:47 in, but this may be my favorite thing ever. must...find...more...
thanks, as always the hearse is THE BEST!
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