Some sad news crackling all over the interwebs today. It would seem that Kevin Hannigan, the drummer of legendary Baltimore sludge band Wake Up On Fire has passed away at the age of 25. Last time I saw Kevin was in August during the Ludicra/Hammers of Misfortune tour. Kevin was one of a few people that stuck around all day long in order to see us play. He seemed a bit out of sorts, but was all smiles and very excited to talk metal. On top of being a stand up kid and avid supporter of this site, Kevin was also a great drummer as evidenced by Wake Up On Fire's self titled debut. I had been meaning to post this eventually, but it would seem that unfotunate circumstance has once again forced my hand. Admittedly, we weren't super tight bros or anything, but I liked Kevin, and I know a lot of his friends are hurting real bad right now, and my thoughts are with them. Peace, Kevin.

it hurts every time you talk or hear about someone dying too young. great guy when i met him, great record to listen to tonight.
My last fond memory of him would be at the Eyehategod show. I came out of the mosh pit covered in sweat and beer, and he grabs me by the shoulder, I look back and see his smiling mug. He says "aww man, you can't leave and go home yet." I smiled and said "no, I'm not leaving just yet, I need to get some air and walk around for bit, I'll be back." He then pats me on the back and says "okay dude, I worried you were going to leave this awesome show while it's still going on."
Sorry to hear about your loss. I heard a lot about Wake Up on Fire but never actually picked up their record.
These guys played a few shows at this tiny pizza joint/showroom I worked at in Seattle. They were 3000 miles from home and always incredibly nice and thankful for a place to play. And, they put on a kick ass show! I have their patch on the back of the hat I wear everyday when it rains (which in PDX is alot) and even though I see some blue sky, it's being sported. Thanks, Kevin, for the sludgy good times!
Another one lost long before his time. I never met the man and only recently picked this up on vinyl. I will definitely have to spin it tonight.
Rest In Peace Brother.
Very sad to hear of his passing at such a young age. I hope his friends and family are able to find peace in this difficult time.
Well this is one crappy way to start the day. If I've ever met somebody who was a walking St. Vitus song, it was Kevin. Always psyched about the music but, even when that grin was plastered all the way across his face, there was a sadness lurking there. Eyehategod was the last time I saw him as well, if only in passing, and he shouted something across the Ottobar about Philly coming out to represent. Should have stopped and had a conversation. But isn't that the way it goes every goddamn time?
Rest In Peace, Kevin. May your return to whatever awaits provide you with some of the peace that was denied you in this life.
Chris Counsell
I'm pretty sure I saw him at a couple of gigs in Washington DC, it's a shame. Rest in Peace.
Wake up on Fire was amazing: one of a kind, music-wise, but also -- friendly, kind-hearted folks.
This is sad news indeed.
I remember playing a terrible show back in high school at Glencoe and Kevin was one of 10 people in the crowd loving every mintue of it, truely just enjoying the music and the moment. You always knew if he was in the same room too just because of his addictive, yet sadistic laugh. I know he left the same impression on others as he did on me.
Never met the dude, but I've been a long time Wake Up On Fire fan. This saddens me greatly.
kevin was a sweetheart and ridiculously hilarious. knowing he will never crack me up again sucks the biggest bunch of ass ever. the radio show I did in his honour playing some wake up on fire and other sludgy jams he would've loved was therapeutic, but it kinda hurt. alot hurts. I'm super glad you listed this. also, yall should check out the split with nux vomica. I'm pretty sure these are the only two releases they did. goddammit yall...goddammit...
Kevin was gold and gold is rare and rare is gone and gone is for good. I am drunk and I think this is terribly unfair. so sue me.
Such sad news. This band was incredible, I always wished they had stuck around a little longer. RIP Kevin.
I knew kevin very very well, and I'm getting really sick of crying dammit! we were in wake up on fire together, and I had the dubious honor of playing drums with him. we became a unit at times, anyone who saw us on tour may have witnessed this. the drums would somehow synch up perfectly and we would look at each other with surprized grins like "how the fuck did we do that?!" oh god it sucks that he's not with us anymore. he was a more pure, honest and raw emotional person than anyone I've ever known. and funny as fucking hell! so much love for kevin hannigan.
I've known Kevin for a long time from around the Baltimore scene. I've never met a more genuine person in my life. He always had the ability, no matter where you were or what kind of mood you were in, to make you feel welcome and have a good time. At every show, he would be the person to come up to you, put his arm around your shoulder, and say "Hey man, I'm glad you came!" He was the kind of person we should all try to be. He was selfless, and the only time he could enjoy himself was if he made sure every one of his friends was having a good time first.
Kevin, I fucking miss you man. Baltimore will never be the same without you.
I didn't really know Kevin. I met him a few times through friends and he was incredibly nice. A good friend of mine was very close with him and made this blog for him.
He's hugely missed on foreverdoomed.com now. One of the most affable & inspiring posters there, easily. Myk Colby's tribute edition of the Doomed Forever radio show is downloadable here:
I met him through myspace back in 2004. We traded a bunch of music on Soulseek. I think he was the first person to show me Xasthur and Boris. Good Man. Wake on Fire is rad as well. We only talked on the internet a few times, it was years ago, but for some reason I was thinking about this kid a few days ago, then my first time on Cosmic Hearse and there he is. RIP Elaphantinecannibalstoneradventure Doom Brother, Ride High upon the Sky!!
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