This was requested by one of my favorite people in the world, Anthony aka "Chubby," Hickey's original bassist and all around wonderful dude. Crom are oft associated with the Southern California Power Violence scene but this album is so much more than the herky jerky blasting barky PCP-core you might expect. The Cocaine Years is an amazing pastiche of various badass cultural nostalgia, heavy metal zeitgeist, and snarky in jokes. It is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the grandiosity and pomp of metal, the sort some might find patronizing, but I think it comes from a genuine place of reverence. This record astounded me when I first heard it in 2001 and it is still a fun and funny listen. See if you can figure out all the references this record makes. Thanks, Chubby, for reminding me about this.
Yes!!! Thyanks for this ace!!
This album is soooo f****'n great!
The only question that I have is, how much of the music is actually Crom, and how much is found/sampled stuff? Soundtrack snippets aside, I mean? In the final analysis, it doesn't matter, anyway.
Crom is genius--like sniffing poorly crushed rocks of pure metal in sleazy disco full of tweaked barbarians.
Hot Sumerian Nights (from 2006?) is also brilliant.
I got 'em both on vinyl, the sleeves are hilarious too!
Is this on Life is Abuse?
A lost and forgotten classic. Fuck yes, thank you.
swell. swollen. swole.
Whether you have short hair,long hair,mustache or beard. Noooo matter. Ha,ha,ha,ha.
I definitely know a few folks who find this patronizing but you know what? Crom couldn't be slingin' these riffs and makin' these jokes if they didn't own and love all those cheesy metal records. And sometimes, actually very often, metal is about loving something that's dumb as shit but awesome as hell. So bring me the foot of Cole Ford.
this records kicks all the asses in the world man!!
funny you post this today cuz i just picked up a copy of Hot Sumerian Nights last yesterday. not as awesome as this one fo sho but still good.
This was released by Pessimizer
What a great live act these guys are.
One of the best albums released in the 2000's,plays like a demented mixtape.
feel good stuff. conan the barbarian cool!
this is one of those records where the listener has to bring his/her nerd up to the band's own nerd to fully appreciate it
this is a metal nerd record
Yeah! I was just spinning this with my two-year-old yesterday afternoon. What is best in life?
Love this! What are all the references this record makes? Samples from Conan the Barbarian, "Jesus Saves," "Changes," and what i'm pretty sure is Cronos stage banter are as far as I've gotten.
After hearing a ton of hype about these guys, I picked up Hot Sumerian Nights with high expectations. Those expectations left me sorely disappointed by what, on first listen, felt like a short 7" padded with a shitton of samples and filler. Luckily, I gave it a few more chances, and came to love it... but I never did track down this one, despite always wanting to. So, thanks for the upload; I'm sure I'll hate this one on first listen too but I'm equally sure I'll come to love it.
I have it on good authority that all of the artwork was done by one of the members dad. Seriously....
I think the references are much better than their OK music.
I love that they play the end of a robin trower song at one point. Pretty rad and makes me like it much more than if it were just a humorless band attempting to do "power violence".
I particularly enjoyed the ode to ZZ Top...
We have a Crom snowglobe in our bathroom... seriously.
You should scan and post the back cover for this too. Hillarious. It would allways make me laugh when working at Revolver.
This record rules! Some of these dudes were also in Doomsday 1999, who were fucking slayed the one time I saw them live. Aesop, if you've never heard their second record 'Racist Unicorn', let me know and I'll send you a DL link of a rip.
Of course I am interested in an album called "Racist Unicorn"
Check yr email.
in the one conversation i ever had with eric wood, he told me to check these guys out. i obeyed, and happen to be quite glad i did.
The leeway intro seems the most out of place, but still rad.
I can't believe I've lived in a world where this was not a part of my life!
i'm always proud of my old college buddies, an happy when people "get it"
yeah - phil vera's dad did the killer covers for both albums
Yeah more people should worship at the altar of Crom. Saw them twice in on weekend in '06 with my friends 16 Bitch Pile Up. Fuckin' awesome riffs and the did a lot of the samples live-no laptop or tape.
Subotai: "I AM evil!"
Conan: "Yerr a slOtt!"
this record fucking rules, but my favorite crom moment has to be the opening of the second album where they recreate the loop at the beginning of pink floyd's "money" but instead of cash register noises, it's the chopping and snorting of a fat rail. pure retarded genius.
Conan meets Spinal Tap! Rock out with your cock out!
Here is some of the references/samples/riffs from Crom.
Kraftwerk, Slayer, Edgar Winter, The Doobie Brothers, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, Cheech & Chong, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Conan the Barbarian, Ennio Morricone, Blue Oyster Cult
don't forget one of the best riffs Kreator ever wrote and also L.A. band, Van Halen ! ! !
I got a bunch of old powerviolence records I'm trying to hustle to make rent. shoot me an email at roachmill43@yahoo.com
Brilliant band, and cool as hell people. The guitarist Scott conspire a murder a man in a dress with me!
Thanks, i already got this one on vinyl, but an extra digital copy is never wrong. This is one clever album, but i think the majority of the metal-fans would dismiss this as a silly parody of their so beloved cliches and values. I was part of the metal-scene for over ten years and i know that self-deprecation humor is not a thing of most fans (but you can always grow up...)
i have never heard this.
and i have played in powerviolence bands.
:hangs head:
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