Thursday, February 4, 2010

Only Ildjarn Is Real

Where are my manners? Many times on this blog I have professed my love for the raw and minimal side of Black Metal, but yet I never posted anything by the originator of such harsh, ear-scraping necrohell, the influential Ildjarn. Well that changes now. Ildjarn is not a band, but rather the alter-ego of Vidar Vaaer, former Thou Shalt Suffer/Emperor member. Ildjarn's discography is massive and somewhat confusing, so let's just start with this, the first full length simply titled Ildjarn.


Anonymous said...

The very best. Once I heard Ildjarn it completely changed the way I listened to music. Beautiful, yet blistering with misanthropic chaos and contempt.

TG said...

The only true cult. Moreso than pioneer Bathory in my opinion.

RyanStench said...

Good stuff. There are some early demos from a band named Enecare which sound a bit like Ildjarn (especially "Nocturnal Visions". I would suggest "Dawn of Creations Ruin." buzzsaw Guitars, simple punk beats which are sometimes out of time. I will upload it to my blog soon.

lobablob said...

About time :)

Aesop said...

Yes, Enecare is great, I have a few tapes.

PCM2 said...

Ooo! "Det Frysende Nordariket" was one of the CDs I bought on my metal vacation to Scandinavia in the 90s, along with "Under a Funeral Moon." I'm gonna bust it out.

ido said...

Wow. Just wow. This is stunning and raw. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

uh, just thought I'd bring it to your attention - the text on the right says "accomidating".

Todd said...

One of the few in the running for "favorite band" status.

rickets said...

brilliant, thanks for this

dustinswanson said...

i guess it's the type of stuff you just assume everybody knows about, but who knows? Ildjarn is the shit.

ECW said...

Putting the kvlt back in "favorite things human culture has ever produced." Thanks, Aesop.

Anonymous said...

Come on!

Forest Poetry is his finest work, but all Ildjarn is good Ildjarn......unless its that stupid synth bullshit.

Probably the most hateful dude from Norway. Anyone read his last words on the "Ildjarn is Dead" release? Insane.

Can't support this shit enough!!!

Christopher L G Hill said...

Not related but made this mix thought you may be interested

Anonymous said...

strength and fucking anger !!!!!

Roger Camden said...

Ildjarn is about as close to the bone as one can cut

every superlative about the 'band' is accurate

one of the four or five bands that I go for when I want black metal


no, I havent. where can I read it???

Leprechaun said...

You can read the statement from "Ildjarn is Dead" compilation here:

Unknown said...

untouchable. i love this so fucking much i can barely even type, and it's not just the DT's.

Carnacki said...

I don't think it's any coincidence that the harshest, bleakest, most atavistic of all "classic" BM bands is the only one that can hold the attention for every second of a double LP, no matter how many times you re-listen to it. Essential.

Anonymous said...

Are you cunts listening to a different record? Weak. No conviction. Emperors new clothes.

Anonymous said...

The guy above is a total douche, he is clueless.

Θόρυβος Τώρα said...

when you posted that last bone owl record i was wondering how come you hadn t posted Ildjarn

Anonymous said...

Awesome shit.
Dude, thanks for continually posting stuff that makes me go, "FUCK!"
Where i'm from, there are maybe 15 punks, and zero metalheads.
its hard work to not be an idiot.

Inverted^Crux said...

THANK YOU!!!! best blog out

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Great music. Hilarious commentary. Cheers, Hearse!!!

Deschain said...

I love the "Only Ildjarn is Real" header. I am going to keep a sharpie with me at all times and scrawl that everywhere I go.