I'm mainly posting this for my bandmate and friend Jason Walton. He enjoys things that are uncomfortable, so it came as a bit of a shock to me when he told me he had never heard of The Frogs. Perhaps you haven't either. Anyhoo, The Frogs are this fucked up band from Milwaukee that play sugary sweet pop songs that are unafraid to fucking "go there." In fact The Frogs seem to delight in making you uncomfortable or tickled depending on just how tight your ass is. Racially Yours was the band's fifth release and it deals with, well you guessed it, race. The hardest of topics to discuss. Proof in the fact that Homestead records refused to release the album upon it's completion in 2000, but fortunately a decidedly less tight-assed Four Alarm records stepped up and got it out there. With songs like "Full of Monkeys" and "Darkmeat for Sale" you might want to dismiss this as some crude Bootleg Bill type of redneckery, but The Frogs, while being controversial, are often thought provoking, clever, and profound in their ruminations on race. Can you handle it?
Evolution of a man
you see, these guys have no time for football and academic clitoridians
DUDE! you rule, I totally love this album, thnks for Mp3 versions. I need to put up "its only right and natural". Great record man by a truly unique band, thank you
Oh I love the Frogs!!!!!!!!!! I've Got Drugs has to be my favorite song.
Your blog entertains
(what does mean social graveyard ?)
I love the corpsepaint! How grim and frostbitten! Hey, wait a minute...
yes!! Greg brought a Frogs tape on Black Rainbow tour last spring, and I feel like we spent the entire drive from s.f. to Portland listening to "I Like Drugs" on repeat the entire way.
the frogs...i remember hearing them in high school...the album "my daughter the broad" with such lovely songs as "who's sucking on grandpas balls since grandma ain't home tonight" and "which one of you gave my daughter the dope".
as always, thanks again.
There was a collection of the rare stuff (Made Up Songs, etc) up on Demonoid, but I don't know if you can find it with Demonoid being down. Toy Porno is also up on there.
is this the same band kim deal used to champion?
Don't know. If she has any brains she did.
The Frogs are truly epic. The Smashing Pumpkins stole a riff from them and made a (s)hit. I'm not sure if they were ever compensated but they sure as shit didn't get any recognition from it.
It's Only Right and Natural is my personal favorite. It continually blows my mind.
I'm pretty sure Kim Deal is the one that personally invited The Frogs to play ATP this year.
A member of The Frogs played keyboards in Smashing Pumpkins for a time.
This album was and is classic. Do you have the live version of this album? That is what I wanna here. and your blog rocks as always. and for those who can't handle non-metal posts. frick 'em.
----couch bob.
The social gravyard is my life!
Im a reclusive weirdo who hates people but, craves their exeptence, ha ha
I seen Sabastian bach about ten years ago with one of these dude playing gutar in a gint green burd outfit....Amazing!
"...thought provoking, clever, and profound..."
You forgot "consistently hilarious."
Give me a piece of meat give me anything. I'm hungry. How are you supposed to eat meat with a bent throat?
Sailors board me now
I was born to be fucked like a cow
Men who don't fuck me are cowards!
Girls who get near me are fools
Billy Corgan produced their more commercial Bowie-ish EP. Maybe that was payment for ripping them off? What song did he rip off?
Also I just posted "My Daughter The Broad" if anyone's interested!
Yup, I also love the Frogs. I know Eddie Vedder was financially backing them for a long time. He was also promoting the hell out of Zeke, back in the day.
Did someone saw the graffiti meeting in Texas ? amazing
Awesome, thanks.
Repost in memorium?
Repost in memorium?
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