You all wanted more stuff by Miami's Load, the band I have often referred to as "the greatest band of the '90s." Not wanting to disappoint you, I have decided to post Load's very first recordings better known as The Hellraiser Session. Hope you enjoy it.
i might have heard you refer to LOAD as the greatest band of all time. but then, that was back in the 90s, so you can;t really call a band "the greatest band of the now," can you? that's more of a retrospective kind of statement. then, i was also probably high, so nevermind.
oh yeah, thanks for introducing me to LOAD. i still have the tape you made to convince me of their brilliance.
I don't know if I would have ever called them "the greatest band of all time," even in the extremely high '90s. Even then we had ZZ Top, Sabbath, GISM, Pentagram, The Germs, Napalm Death, Black Flag, and Darkthrone jockying for that position. Load did rule though.
i repeat: "i was probably high, so nevermind"
and besides, if the statement did in fact occur as i remember it, i'm sure it was merely a heat of the moment thing, and those are always to be recorded in the recording books with an asterisk or two. we're splitting hairs here though, the point is: i first heard LOAD from you, and LOAD did/does rule.
It's like New Wave, you don't understand
I'm really going to have to give this band a listen, since you recommend them so highly. Thanks for the uploads.
bargain-basement Barkmarket
Aesop, this is completely unrelated to load, but since you are a scorpions fan, what's a good album of theirs to start with? All i know is that last night i was wasted and hearing "Big City Nights" made me very happy.
Hmmm, well that isn't The Scorpions I know and love, but start with "Fly To The Rainbow" then get "In Trance," "Virgin Killers," and "Taken By Force." The Uli Jon Roth years, avoid the hokey spandex pants Matthias Jabs records, unless you are drunk.
Word, thanks a lot. And yeah, i was pretty drunk.
Thank you.
Hey Aesop,
Bobby Load is now singing with the Psycho Daisies (Johnny Salton), if you can imagine that. He used to be the drummer - I haven't seen them with him singing yet. Lisa Nash (Screaming Sneakers) was the last singer. No one's growing old gracefully here in Fla.
Jeff H
Jeff, that is beyond strange. The Psycho Daisies are still around?
yeah - the rest of the band you might remember from 85 or 86(besides Salton) either moved away, expired or both. They are definitely hit or miss these days - but I look forward to seeing them with Bobby singing.
Load rules. I must have seen these guys a dozen times and it never got old. I have the hellraisers sessions tape and it is good. They were always to me so much better live. Also I noticed you don't have the LP on this post . It is also a classic. Thanks for the post.TWS980
There is two LOAD LPs and both will appear here sooner or later. Glad to see some appreciation for this great band.
There is two LOAD LPs and both will appear here sooner or later. Glad to see some appreciation for this great band.
This is incredible. I used to see them live in Miami and I was so bummed when they broke up. Amazing recording. Legendary... Thanks!!!
Any idea where to get the 12" LOAD record they put out right after Lumberjack? It's the one that had a bunch of random bumper stickers all over it.
I have that one, got it from the band (I went to high school with guitarist Jeff) I can't imagine these are readily available any more but it will be posted here eventually.
Many thx again for uploading stuff from this band-i've been listening to them almost non stop this past month, along with Roky Erickson (somehow, it fits...). How about those LP's then? Please, pretty please?
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