This compilation, curated by the well known punk graphic artist known as Pushead, was sort of a mindfuck for me when it was released way the fuck back in 1985. Cleanse The Bacteria just upped the ante as far as hardcore brutality was concerned, and exposed the general punk public to some amazing obscure bands. We all benefitted from Pushead's tireless letter writing and tape trading. Cleanse... also marked my first experiences with soon-to-be favorites like Poison Idea, The Execute, Siege (way ahead of the pack in sheer hostility), and Mob 47, as well as offering up contributions from some bands I was already well aware of like Septic Death (of course,) C.O.C., and 7 Seconds (who seem a bit tame for this comp.) This is some kind of fancy pants CD reissue with a ton of extra tracks. Let's skate.
I got the vinyl with the 12"er of this from Dig when Earache was just a distro , a great introduction , like you say, to the lesser known bands with the ' bigger ' names . Along with the P.E.A.C.E. comp two things I couldn't ever bear to flip .Cheers ,
Martin .
i acutally have this, though with an orange, kind of vomit-y cover art color. A used bin find for $3.99!
Cool. Pushead is so awesome, someone should publish a book of his stuff.
one of my favorite comps - excellent
THANKS! I've been trying to score this one on ebay lately, without much success.
I just pulled this out so I could play Part 1's "Black Mass" on a radio show tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing the extra tracks. (I've been a non-commenting fuckwit for too long. Thanks for all the great posts.)
Great comp. Played this to death in years gone by. Have to download for the extra tracks which I don't have. Thanks
I like the Civil Dissident tracks on this too. One of my fave local bands from that time...
longtime fuckwit/visitor, first time I've been moved to comment- THANKS SO MUCH for posting this, this album was the soundtrack to my hardcore kid in Kentucky highschool existence and it's awesome to be reunited in this way-
This is the best album I've found on a blog since discovering the J-Punk band Sexual a few months ago. And I do a lot of Blog-trawling.
Quality stuff!
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