Mutation hailed from Singapore, they played ugly death metal, the sort your girlfriend hates, but whatever, she likes Nightwish and has an annoying laugh. This fucking 7" EP (released by Nuclear War Now in 2006) has two songs, one of them is called "Ceased To Be," Mutation ceased to be in 1991. The b side is called "Cannabalistic Horror," it's fucking sick, it's about people eating people. You can't fucking turn your nose up at that, bro. Stop being a pussywhipped ass tard.
Ripped their demo a whila ago. If anyone's after it: http://rapidshare.com/files/53071122/mutation_demo91.zip
Sorry it's a Rabidshare link.
Used to fuck my girl to Kreator, Raging Slab and Junkyard. She was cool. Hee hee
Crapidshare is not bad during off hours. There is more waiting now and some new graphics. A Russian blog page posted this 7" and EP at almost the same time, don't know if it was copycat or just coincidence.
"A whila ago"?! I am not, nor have ever been, a Soprano.
this post made me grin and laugh out loud. most definitely grabbing this.
The 7" is still available over at nwnprod.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1790, if you like it pick it up!
It's like it's 1990 all over again, great stuff!
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