Imynvokad is an extremely shrouded Black Metal band from Austin, Texas. Sole member Beleseth, also plays in Thra'el. This excellent 7", titled Ad Ordine Descendens, was released earlier this year by Pale Horse Recordings. It contains two tracks of well-performed traditional Black Metal that brings to mind Horna or earlier Deathspell Omega. Like the recently posted Eschaton, and that Slidhr demo we loved a while back, this is kind of orthodox approach is often needed to remind us how good no-frills Black Metal can be. You should buy this and play it loud late at night.
This is just really, really good. Just two songs leaves me seriously wanting more. The artwork is as hypnotically twisting as the music. Like some forbidden pentacle from the pages of a dusty, long forgotten grimoire. Thanks for providing the Pale Horse link, too.
good post! do you have the new kallathon or absum tapes on crepusculo negro? can you put those up too?
great stuff, if you like that you'll love this Irish lo-fi band Temple of Ruins
Awesome. I'm always down with black metal that doesn't fuck around as well as black metal that does fuck around. but this shit is just too cool. Awesome vocals as well.
this is great, musically and vocally
this is incredible. the production of the vocals reminds me of the iskra lp, just done far more tastefully, in a way that is good, rather than grating.
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