This battle for Korean Black Metal supremacy has Barbarous going head-to-head and toe-to-toe against Zerzyan Loathe. Both bands are extremely harsh and noisy and both bands show little regard for melody or tone, just abrasive, overdriven scrape. Seriously not for everyone, if you like happy black metal about trolls and faggy vampires you might want to run in terror from this one. However if you dig this one, be sure to review the old Cosmic Hearse post on the weird world of Korean Black Metal and have your mind blown by pure aural animus from the land of the morning calm.
Your blog has opened my ears and mind to black metal. Am downloading this one right now. Really looking forward to it.
For some reason the idea of Korean black metal makes sense. Korea is the only East Asian country to have a large and devote christian population. That combined with the strict Confucian backbone of the entire culture would leave lots of pissed off, caged-in kids. And for them lame-ass "K-pop" isn't cutting it.
Harsh stuff!
At what point does the teenaged Pyha run out from backstage with a folding chair?
And whose side does he favor?
This Korean BM scene is brutal.
The Pyha kid is no longer a teenager and is fulfilling his military service obligation. I don't think he has anything to do with these bands and their scene. This is the Nerbilous Records crew with Infinite Hatred, Gormantatinous, Warpeal and Kvell among other great harsh and caustic Korean BM bands. I personally think that Pyha record tops any of the other Korean bm records I have heard.
jeeze- this stuff makes me want to throw my 1349 albums in the garbage...
once again you've blown my mind! this record and the demos from the old post make so much of my BM seem pedestrian. thanks for keeping your blog active and posting such varied and explosive music! what's a good place to find more noisy black metal like this?
Here's a list of some of my favorite Black Metal blogs:
Zerzyan Loathe is good and crazy, but Barbarous wins this one hands down for me. What a blizzard! As overwhelming as Paysage D'Hiver or Velvet Cacoon, but absolutely distinctive and their own. I need an hour or so of this to get totally lost in.
Hey thanks for this one. Once again Cosmic Hearse comes to the rescue when one can't seem to find this type of albums anywhere else.
Excellent stuff again Aesop, especially Zerzyan Loathe. Fed up of trawling through all those blogs that seem to upload every release out there with no description, thanks for helping me find the gems amongst the shit! Shall be checking out the recommended blogs above...
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